VibeTribe Community Sanctuary Christmas Calabash
VibeTribe ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲We are ONE, we are LOVE, we are CREATORS! ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲
Aloha dear beacon of Light,
✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ *•.¸¸☼ ♡”*•.¸¸☼ *•.¸¸☼ Season’s Aloha! ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ *•.¸¸☼
All are welcome to join us for a calabash Christmas dinner at 3 pm on Christmas Day ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ . . . I look forward to the opportunity to give & receive hugs, meet new people, talk story, &, . . . if enough of us feel inspired . . . to share music & song.♫♫ ♫♫ Bring your instruments & open to the infinite possibilities! ( . . .There are some in our tribe who may be plotting to bring lyrics so that all can join in singing certain songs, ~known as carols, ~that we all already know all the melodies of!! ~Please chime in/let us know if you’d like to be in on this plot!) ♫♫
As always, we ask for all organic vegan & vegetarian drinks & dishes for your contribution to our colorful calabash feast (~we’re just guessing “colorful” as we remember our recent abundant & lovely Thanksgiving potluck, yummmmm). We’ll be balancing our plates on our laps (~as we’re not setting up tables this time!) so you may want to bring one of your own plates for this . . .
Mahalo, most of all, for your presence, it is a joy to have time for connection & talk-story.
. . . Any questions, please text me, Ka’imi 372-2082 . . . Mahalo! ☼
me ke aloha nui, Ka’imi
PS And reminder: we’re also gathering Sat night the 22nd for our AudiOasis Solstice celebration: “Drum & Dance Your Dream” ~calling all drummers! . . . & on Friday night,the 21st, Tika is hosting a Cuddle Party! All at the VibeTribe Community Sanctuary in Palolo Valley, where we love offering the space for heart-opening conscious evolution to take place . . .
♥ ~~~~~~~~~✲ ”*•.¸¸☼ *•.¸¸☼
& fyi: Christmas Plant Medicine:
The image on this invitation shows a flowering New Zealand mistletoe on the left & mistletoe with berries on the right. Did you know that mistletoe is powerful medicine? According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) Clearinghouse, “Laboratory studies have found that mistletoe kills cancer cells and stimulates the immune system. The use of mistletoe to treat cancer has been studied in Europe in more than 30 clinical trials with reports of improvement in survival and quality of life for patients with cancer of the colon, breast, pancreas, and even for those with melanoma. Mistletoe extract injections are currently among the most widely used complementary cancer treatments in Europe. It is approved for palliative care use in several European countries. And now, researchers at Johns Hopkins in the US are conducting a large-scale study of mistletoe as a cancer treatment, thanks to one patient’s success story, her open-minded oncologist, and his colleague specializing in alternative and complementary medicine. Yay!
The Celtic Druids used mistletoe in ceremonies at least a few thousand years ago; they believed mistletoe to have sacred power to heal illness and help predict the future. The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe started in ancient Greece, during the festival of Saturnalia because of the plant’s association with fertility. There is also Nordic myth as the plant was sacred to Frigga, the goddess of love, and she decreed that anyone who stands under the mistletoe tree deserves not only protection, but also a kiss.
Of course our Christmas trees of pine, spruce and fir are also medicines for mind, body and spirit. For example, pine essential oil is invigorating and cleansing, and can alleviate headaches, relieve pain, boost energy and mood, treat acne, and other skin conditions, act as a decongestant, as well as wonderfully freshen a room. ✲ ♥”*•.¸¸☼ *•.¸¸☼
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~VibeTribe is an open-source spiritual community of co-creators who unite to inspire, learn, grow & celebrate. Centered in our own truth, we each & all step forward to lead our interactive gatherings, sharing wisdom from our own experience. (~ please connect with us about what you’d like to present at a future AudiOasis!). In this time of transformation for the world, we join together to create a powerful space to remember our superpowers as beings of Light, to realign & clear our energy fields & to step up our co-creation of the life & world we dream of!
♥ We are ONE, we are LOVE, we are CREATORS! ♥
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