Vibe Tribe Team Mtg: Co-creating our February AudiOasis

Vibe Tribe Team Mtg: Co-creating our February AudiOasis

Vibe tribe team activate

Sunday, February 21 2016 at 4:30pm
2197 10th Ave Palolo Valley 96816

We join hands, hearts & minds to create our fabulous February AudiOasis! All are welcome! ~& all who have already agreed to help, please bless us with your presence & wisdom once again! *•.¸¸☼ You Are Precious & Vital!!**•.¸¸☼
Potluck dinner meeting, so please Bring your High Vibe calabash dish (vegetarian -vegan -non-gmo)

~~Sage & Kelli = Secretaries/Note takers!
~~Check In (15 min): Life challenges & Celebrations
~~Guide Check In: With your chosen VT tasks, any questions, concerns, progress?… & we fill all event guide positions!
~~Presentation: Who is on the list to speak about living our passion & purpose in our work?! Athena A., Sarah D, Chris G., Sage B., Wendy G., Lealyn, Sean Tamura ? & who else??
(We each answer two questions on the mic: What is the service we offer our community (or are getting ready to offer)?, & what gave us the courage to start this?!)

Why we do this! ~here’s a Testimonial about VibeTribe:
Ashley Goughenour: “It truly does make the most beautiful difference in all the world. I found you all at a point in my life when I felt lonelier then I ever thought possible and although it was for a short time, finding you all reminded me there were happy beautiful kind souls with like minded ideas and joys and it made my heart sing. So now even far away, I still follow and keep up on things going on because it makes a difference to me, and I speak of you all with such fondness” ♥ ♥ ♥

Please check out our Facebook page and let us know that you will be attending this event.

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