
VibeTribe’s AudiOasis: “StarSeeds Unite!” October 23, 2020


VibeTribe’s AudiOasis: “StarSeeds Unite!”

October 23, 2020 Friday @ 6:30pm 
Starseeds? Could this be you? Starseeds are souls who came to Earth from other star & solar systems, planets, & galaxies on a mission to incarnate as human and radiate light & love in order to help the current consciousness shift on Planet Earth ~the shift into love & unity-consciousness! We are honored to have a wonderfully-awakened Starseed as our guest presenter for this month’s AudiOasis. She will share her personal experience with her galactic ohana & we will all have a chance to share our own experiences, including glimpses of starcraft we’ve seen! We’re excited to join together with all who are interested in this topic. And with lots of starseeds (whether known to be or not!).
We’ll open at 6:30 pm with a “Community Check-In” . . . sharing how we’re each surfing the waves of transformation & honing in on what is most true for us.
At 9 pm. we’ll have Sound Journey Joy ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ ♫♫ We’ll close the evening with a meditative sound journey. As usual, we’ll feature the high vibe resonance of the gong (& we’re diligently striving to optimize the sound that reaches you through the internet, so wear headphones or use external speakers if you can!).”Wind Gong” “fairy drum” (my name for it), fairy bells, crystal bowls, and the amazingly soothing sound of the RAV pan drum, played by Wayne Bow Medicine Bear.
☼ Questions? Text Ka’imi 372-2082 . . . ♡”*•.¸¸☼ ♡”*•.¸ ☼
Holding the vision of the *Birth of the New Earth* is a great service. Mahalo for shining your light!

Andara Light In Lemuria Sept 25, 2020

AudiOasis: Andara Light In Lemuria
For tonight’s class with AudiOasis please go to the Zoom site and type in this meeting ID: 869 2887 5495 if you would like to come. Password: Andara Thanks!
Meeting ID: 869 2887 5495
Passcode: Andara
Aloha Beloved Friends,
We will again gather to love, learn, & grow together! Our September AudiOasis brings forth Jody Rose teaching us about Andara crystals & how they relate to us here in Hawai’i. He’ll share about the transformative power of Andara Energy in Lemuria & why this energy feels familiar to so many people at this time. He’ll present 12+ specific Andaras (large and small) and we will hopefully be able to see and feel their energy! We’ll learn a bit more about the beauty of Lemuria . . . & there’ll be time for Q&A.✲♡”*•.¸¸☼
✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ We’ll open our evening with a “Community Check-In” from 6:30 to 7:00 ((Zoom video conferencing)). Please join in to connect, & share how you’re managing in this extraordinary time.
We’ll close the evening with a meditative sound healing journey, featuring Wayne Bow Medicine Bear on the gong, crystal bowls, RAV-vast pan drum &, . . . don’t forget the fairy bells! ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼
🕉 At this historic moment in the evolution of humanity, may we strengthen our faith in personal & planetary transformation . . . & in our creation of the New Earth with Love for all beings. ♡
About our guest presenter, Jody Rose:
Jody is an educator and author. He has a Facebook group called “The Andara Experience” here:  


 ~you are welcome to join.

AudiOasis ♡ is the 4th Friday evening of every month . . . & we welcome all to join with us! ~ ~ ~ Any questions or input? Please text Ka’imi @372-2082, & we’ll talk, mahalo!
~~~♥ We are ONE, we are LOVE, we are CREATORS! ♥


VibeTribe’s AudiOasis: Meridian Magic August 28, 2020


VibeTribe’s AudiOasis: Meridian Magic

Fri 8/28 @ 6:30 pm (4th Friday of every month!)

✲♡”*•.¸¸☼✲~Zoom on in: –>> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84918372413

   Aloha Beloved Friends,
Once again we gather to love, learn, & grow together! This month, we’ll be exploring the magic of the meridian system with our joyful & multi-talented magician & healer, Sage Bee. As known for millennia in China, our meridians are a network of energy channels that run through our bodies. The clearer & more open these channels, the greater our energy flow, & the greater our health & vitality!
Sage will explain the meridian system as a whole, as well as teach us a set of Acupressure points that we can use to boost our own IMMUNE SYSTEM and release stuck EMOTIONS. Sage will also lead us in a powerful Qi Gong flow. Qi Gong is a meditative practice where we harmonize breath and movement to bring balance to the unseen energies within. Join us as we learn to use ancient wisdom to heal our beautiful & powerful selves & our rapidly changing world!
Sage Bee will close the evening with a guided meditation & a meditative sound journey which will include Sage on Gong, joined by Wayne Bow Medicine Bear on RAV Vast Pan Drum . . . & more!
🕉 At this historic time in the evolution of humanity, we offer an evening of sharing to strengthen our resolve & our faith in personal & planetary transformation ♡ ~& everyone is invited to chime in. We’ll open with a “Community Check-In” from 6:30 to 7:00 ((Zoom video conferencing)). Please join in to connect, & share how you’re managing in this extraordinary time.
~~~♥ We are ONE, we are LOVE, we are CREATORS! ♥~~~
About the Guest Presenter:
Sage is on a mission is to facilitate health and wellbeing through compassionate care, education and conscious movement. She is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist, Reiki Master, Sound Healer. Her process recognizes each person as an individual, and allows the time to tailor treatments specifically to each patient’s needs. She successfully treats all kinds of acute or chronic conditions ranging from physical pain, digestive issues, stress, emotional imbalance, allergies and weight management, women’s health, infertility, and longevity.
Sage’s gentle yet powerful treatments restore and strengthen, bring balance, and stimulate the body to heal itself. In an effort to stay safe during uncertain times, Sage is offering her sessions in a beautiful open air treatment room (mesh screen for bugs) in the back of Palolo Valley. Sage also teaches weekly Qi Gong classes, in the park when possible, and now on ZOOM. Qi Gong is a meditative movement practice that greatly improves over all health and wellbeing!
Visit her website or Facebook page for more information on treatments or classes: