AudiOasis: Andara Light In Lemuria
For tonight’s class with AudiOasis please go to the Zoom site and type in this meeting ID: 869 2887 5495 if you would like to come. Password: Andara Thanks!
Meeting ID: 869 2887 5495
Passcode: Andara
Passcode: Andara
Aloha Beloved Friends,
We will again gather to love, learn, & grow together! Our September AudiOasis brings forth Jody Rose teaching us about Andara crystals & how they relate to us here in Hawai’i. He’ll share about the transformative power of Andara Energy in Lemuria & why this energy feels familiar to so many people at this time. He’ll present 12+ specific Andaras (large and small) and we will hopefully be able to see and feel their energy! We’ll learn a bit more about the beauty of Lemuria . . . & there’ll be time for Q&A.✲♡”*•.¸¸☼
We will again gather to love, learn, & grow together! Our September AudiOasis brings forth Jody Rose teaching us about Andara crystals & how they relate to us here in Hawai’i. He’ll share about the transformative power of Andara Energy in Lemuria & why this energy feels familiar to so many people at this time. He’ll present 12+ specific Andaras (large and small) and we will hopefully be able to see and feel their energy! We’ll learn a bit more about the beauty of Lemuria . . . & there’ll be time for Q&A.✲♡”*•.¸¸☼
✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ We’ll open our evening with a “Community Check-In” from 6:30 to 7:00 ((Zoom video conferencing)). Please join in to connect, & share how you’re managing in this extraordinary time.
We’ll close the evening with a meditative sound healing journey, featuring Wayne Bow Medicine Bear on the gong, crystal bowls, RAV-vast pan drum &, . . . don’t forget the fairy bells! ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼

About our guest presenter, Jody Rose:
Jody is an educator and author. He has a Facebook group called “The Andara Experience” here:
Jody is an educator and author. He has a Facebook group called “The Andara Experience” here:
~you are welcome to join.
AudiOasis ♡ is the 4th Friday evening of every month . . . & we welcome all to join with us! ~ ~ ~ Any questions or input? Please text Ka’imi @372-2082, & we’ll talk, mahalo!
We are ONE, we are LOVE, we are CREATORS! 