VibeTribe’s AudiOasis: Transformative Times!
Friday 6/26 @ 6:30 pm . . . AudiOasis ♡✲♡”*•.¸¸☼✲~Zoom on in: –>>
Our guest presenter this month is VibeTribe co-founder, vision-keeper, & fairy-godmother, Ka’imi Nicholson. While on a spiritual path (for over 25 years), Ka’imi “took the red pill” in 2011, diving ♡heart-first into researching the deep state, comprehending the depths of damaging deception, & all the while transmuting negativity & maintaining rock-solid *♡Faith in our Fabulous Future!♡*
All are invited to join in who have already taken the red pill or are considering it. (Please note that the blue pill is an equally valid & perfect choice!♡)
Ka’imi will share her story of discovery & documentation . . . along with the foundations of her faith in the future that lies before us, & how we get from here to there (spoiler: it has a lot to do with LOVE!).

We’ll open with a “Community Check-In” from 6:30 to 7:00 ((Zoom video conferencing)). Please join in to connect, & share how you’re managing in this extraordinary time.
~ ~If you have Zoom, clicking this link will open the Zoom. (If you don’t have Zoom yet, you’ll be prompted to download & install it & it’s Free for you!)
✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ The current pandemic (or “plandemic”) is our evolving opportunity for greater awakening & positive transformation . . .✲ ♡”*•.¸¸☼
Love to youuuuu 

* * * Let’s connect & together conspire to create the reality that we desire * * *

<[(For any who may not know, the “red-pill” is a metaphor adapted from the 1999 film, The Matrix. Taking the “red pill” means to awaken to a deeper level of truth about our world, which is disturbing, but can also lead to our greater freedom; taking the “blue pill” means to continue living within the perceptions we’ve been raised in. Each path is valid & honorable!)] >
♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲ĻƠṼҼ ƌƝƊ ĻIǤҢƮ✲♡”*•.¸ ☼ Mahalo Nui Loa for all of yOur love & light on Planet Earth! ~ yOu are mAgic!☼