We welcome you to our Tribe & hope you’ll find many ways to connect, receive, & contribute your unique gifts to our community. ~You may notice room for improvement, & yes, we’d love to hear from you! ~Happy travels ~
We welcome you to our Tribe & hope you’ll find many ways to connect, receive, & contribute your unique gifts to our community. ~You may notice room for improvement, & yes, we’d love to hear from you! ~Happy travels ~
The Kanaka Maoli culture of our islands is spiritually powerful, deep & rich. We of the VibeTribe are honored to present our beloved Kahu Glen Kila & Kumu Christophor Oliveira (~the protege’ of Kumu Glen), the lineage spiritual leaders of Kanenuiakea, ~the indigenous, life-affirming spirituality of Hawai’i nei of over 2000 years. They will lead us to Na Wahi Pana (the sacred sites) in Wai’anae, sharing indigenous wisdom, broad knowledge, & fresh perspectives. We’re so excited to be able to invite yOu. ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼
Limited space available: first come, first serve. Suggested Gratitude Donation of . . . Sliding scale: $33 ~ $22 ~ or $11 ~ ~ ~ (or more, of course! ♡) We also accept trade, such as organic food.
~This is a tax-deductible donation entirely going to the non-profit organization, Koa Ike, of Kahu Glen & Kumu Chris (~please let Ka’imi know if you want a receipt for your tax deduction, via text at 372-2082, with your email address) ~ ~ ~ Mahalo nui loa! ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼
Kahu Glen & Kumu Chris are precious treasures of our islands, yet rarely heard. As we continue to connect with & learn more about our sacred ‘aina, we are more empowered to protect it (from the ultra-rich-&-therefore-powerful developers). And we who live in paradise are privileged to help take responsibility for preserving it.~ Please help spread the word? *Mahalo!*
*•.¸¸☼ Na Wahi Pana ~ Sacred Sites of Wai`anae Moku Hike
☼ 8:15 am: meet at Poka’i Bay Beach Park near the peninsula (~left/east side of beach park).
☼ Please Bring: Visor, Hat, or Sunscreen, Water, & Picnic Lunch . . . & be prepared/dress comfortably for hiking, climbing & for sitting on ground . . . (& you may want a bathing suit for cooling off in the ocean afterwards!)
☼ Questions? Text Ka’imi 372-2082
. . . ♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲ĻƠṼҼ ƌƝƊ ĻIǤҢƮ✲♡”*•.¸ ☼ Mahalo Nui Loa for all of yOur love & light on Planet Earth ☼
What up, fam!
It’s just been confirmed that ATYYA will be bringing his audio ecstasy to the legendary Ecstatic Awakening Retreat in Costa Rica – a 9 day jedi training for conscious creators and awakened entrepreneurs – 16-24 August 2021.
This intimate adventure in the rainforest has been described by attendees as “the most epic experience of my life” and “kinda like taking the limitless pill”…
Our venue is the 5-star Imiloa Institute, with waterfall, rivers, luxury geodesic domes, Bali style jungle bungalows and an infinite pool overlooking the ocean with the most stunning sunsets…
This is a retreat for ⫸ ⫸
Entrepreneurs, creators, DJ’s, music producers, retreat leaders, crypto investors, yogis, ecstatic dancers, space holders, coaches, business owners, flow state hackers and generally awesome people (YOU) who are stoked to slow down to speed up, unwind, unplug, unlock your future self and upgrade everything you are for this lifetime.
Part of the proceeds for this retreat will be donated to building a shelter for human trafficking survivors, and I’m honored to support this project.
“The Ecstatic Awakening Retreat opened up a whole new world for me.”
– Nicole Costerus | founder of Women of Ancient Futures
“The most consistent stream of epic experiences I’ve ever had.
I am changed for life, and I will carry this within the cells of my being
for the rest of my life… ”
— Michael Thomas Parisi | Transformational Coach, USA
“This retreat has been the most impactful, transformative experience of my entire life.”
– Anna Lewis | UK
“Literally every facet of this experience is ecstatic.”
– Ryan Carrigan | Calgary, Canada
“We’ve never felt as authentic as in this retreat. F*cking awesome. U p l e v e l i n g .
Life will never be the same again.”
– Klemen Thomas & Leonie Gabriella |
Intimacy & Empowerment Coaches, NL
To feel the vibe of the retreat, check out the details and to join the adventure >> go to:
With your hosts:
Jonathan Barry, Ronja Sebastian, Oren Harris, Gabriel Rima,
ATYYA, Desert Dwellers, Liquid. Bloom, Lizzy Jeff, Treavor Moontribe, Zen Tempest & the Ecstatic Awakening Retreat team.
Please join us for Poetic Reflections on Natural Wonders, & Wildlife Soundscapes on Sedona Bamboo Flutes!
We are honored to present the exquisite, soothing sounds of the Bamboo Flute brought by Jesse Kalu, our August guest presenter, here from Sedona, Arizona ~& with him, the beautiful & sensuous flutes he lovingly crafted there . . .
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/audioasis-bamboo-flute-concert-new-earth-meditation-tickets-166405582577
-Or- cash at the door: Sliding Scale: $20 ~ $15 ~ or ~ $10
-or- Venmo at the door
-or- Paypal “ourvibetribe@gmail.com”
We also accept trade such as Organic Food! And . . . & no one turned away, all welcome!
Our 2nd-Saturday monthly gathering is a chance to re-connect, hug, feast, talk story, & help co-create the New Earth vision we all share!
AudiOasis: House Concert & Meditation
Bamboo Flute ~ Jesse Kalu
JOY.•*´¨`*•.LOVE ¸.•* ´¨*•.LIGHT
as we unite to meditate upon & thereby co-create our new earth . . .
2197 10th Ave. Palolo Valley
Sample & buy Jesse’s exquisite music here: https://jessekalu.hearnow.com/
☼ 6 pm ☼ Potluck Calabash ☼ Organic Non-Gmo Vegetarian/Vegan!
(& suger-free, too, please)
☼ 7 pm ☼ Opening Words, Water Blessing, Dolphin Pods
7:30 pm ☼ Jesse Kalu on Bamboo Flute
9:00 pm ☼ Gongs & Bowls Sound Healing Journey ♫♫♫
& RAV Vast Pan Drum with WayneBow Medicine Bear
We will Live-Stream this, too, on the Facebook HI VibeTribe CommUnity Page! https://www.facebook.com/hiVibeTribe/
♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲
☼ Mahalo Nui Loa for all of yOur love & light on Planet Earth
~ yOu are the mAgic!☼
*•.¸¸☼ Questions? Text Ka’imi anytime ~ 808-372-2082
✲ƤҼƌҪҼ✲ĻƠṼҼ✲ƌƝƊ✲ĻIǤҢƮ✲ ~~~<<~quotes, channeling excerpts, & more~<<~~~
~LIGHT is surging much more potently into the earthly realm than it has in past years and decades (even centuries) because dissonance is being removed from the planet, and this includes the cellular records of our ancestral and recent historical experiences of discord and trauma. . . . ~Dr Schavi, August 6, 2021
We came here to be creator-incarnates. To be active in our service to humanity . . . Intend, imagine, and visualize all efforts of ours transforming the entire world for the better: Love, Peace, Joy, Abundance and Upliftment to one and all; restoring Equality and Unity Consciousness throughout the world, promoting Compassion, Forgiveness and true Connection in its wake! Feel This Reality as deeply as you so can, and then, just let go of it ALL, totally and completely. That’s all it takes. Or, just be in your highest possible frequency & make it all happen regardless! Either way works just fine! ~Aseim, 2021
Practicing radical and unwavering self-care by being gentle with yourself, standing up for yourself, setting boundaries, and moving from a place of compassion, are all tools that serve us well. ~Tanaaz, 2021
*•.¸¸☼ AudiOasis:
*The Body Electric* ~”The Story of Your Health” ~with John Nagle
at the VibeTribe Community Sanctuary
~Calabash Potluck Dinner~
~Sunday July 11th ~
2197 10th Ave. Palolo Valley
& Zoom it ~Meeting ID: 862 6918 7437
☼ 6 pm ☼ Potluck Calabash ☼ Organic, Non-Gmo Vegetarian/Vegan, & sugar-free, please 🙂
-& the return of – Our Fabulous
☼ 6 pm ☼ Free Store ☼ “Give what you no longer need, take what you do!”
☼ 7 pm Welcome & John Nagle’s Talk & Demo!
☼ 9:00 -ish pm ☼ Sound Journey/Gong Meditation ♫♫ ♫ ♫
& RAV Vast Pan Drum with WayneBow Medicine Bear, the “Sonic Soother”
from John Nagle . . .
We all have a bio-signal that flows through our bodies every moment of every day. It’s the same signal that is measured by an EKG machine. If this signal flows through your body smoothly, unimpeded, then you are healthy. If this signal meets blockages on its journey, the cells in your body become altered and you experience disease.
People like to make it a lot more complicated than that, but the unimpeded bio-signal from the brain to the cells is the key ingredient to your health.
Restoration of normal cell behavior is the cure for all disease – physical and non-physical – in the human condition.
I will illuminate the simplicity of this approach to health, which is reflected in the work of Bruce Lipton and Epigenetics, Tom Tam’s Tong Ren, Eileen McKusick’s Biofield Tuning, and the affirmation work of Louise Hays of “You Can Heal Your Life” fame.
This approach has been been successful for thousands of people for 30 years and is now used on 5 continents.
If the health approach you or a friend or family member has followed hasn’t worked, or if you’re interested in preventing disease, this presentation is for you.
* * * John encourages us to read these ahead of time:
Quick Study Guide:
& for anyone concerned about Covid (fascinating!):
*Takeaway Notes from Presentation ~to print out ahead of time:
And Note: To get these, you’ll need to sign up for John Nagle’s Facebook page called “The Story of Your Health” (All member requests are accepted!)
OFFERING: Suggested gratitude donation of $5 to $20 . . . We also accept paypal (ourvibetribe@gmail.com) & trade, such as organic food. We’re happy with Bitcoin, or altcoin such as AMP, XRP, or Ethereum too!
. . . No one is turned away, all are welcome . . . mahalo nui loa! ♥
♡ We welcome you to join our inspired community of healers, creators, empaths, leaders, artists, dancers, musicians, fire spinners, starseeds, lovers of life, & wisely quiet observers! . . . with ✲ ĻƠṼҼ ✲ƌƝƊ ✲ ĻIǤҢƮ ♡ *•.¸¸ ☼
*•.¸¸☼ Any Questions? Text Ka’imi anytime at 808-372-2082
~ We are so grateful for each and everyone of you!
JOY.•*´¨`*•.LOVE ¸.•* ´¨*•.LIGHT
Reminder: VibeTribe gatherings are vegetarian, no-alcohol & no recreational drugs, ~we like to uplift our spirits in the natural ways of singing, dancing, & being in community with one another. *•.¸¸☼ ♡”*•.¸¸☼
Mahalo Nui Loa for yOur light on Planet Earth! ~yOu are mAgic!☼
~~~<<~quotes, channeling excerpts, & more~<<~~~
Beloved starseed groundcrew, dear pioneers of the new earth, you are the true pathfinders, explorers of consciousness, the true revolutionaries who are making history into Herstory. You are the black sheep, that voluntarily left the flock to seek new horizons, you trusted your gut enough, and found strength to go where no one dared to go, you have prepared well, and have gone this path of exploration of consciousness since eons. . . . You are system-busters, here to move mountains of consciousness. It is your specialty. You have gone far enough to know that any fabricated “truth” with egoic agenda cannot be forced upon those who have genuine integrity and own their inner heart truth. You cannot be owned and enslaved. . . . You know deep within that all is intrinsically connected in an immaculate web of love, where no one is lower and no one higher. No one superior, no one inferior, no one to rule and no one to obey. Love is the answer. Rise commanders of light, take your voice back, take your rights back, take your sacred DNA blueprint and galactic mastery back. ~Grace Solaris, June 28, 2021
I am reminded of the Power of Love, and indeed the Omnipotent Love which is all embracing. You will find that synchronicity happens more, as revelations, insights and Aha! moments bring guidance, signs and wonders. ~Judith Kusel, June 27, 2021
♡ We welcome you to join our inspired community of creators, empaths, leaders, artists, dancers, healers, musicians, fire spinners, starseeds, lovers of life, & wisely quiet observers! . . . with ✲ ĻƠṼҼ ✲ƌƝƊ ✲ ĻIǤҢƮ ♡ *•.¸¸ ☼
*•.¸¸☼ Any Questions? Text Ka’imi anytime at 808-372-2082
~ We are so grateful for each and everyone of you!
JOY.•*´¨`*•.LOVE ¸.•* ´¨*•.LIGHT ~Mahalo Nui Loa for all of yOur love on Planet Earth! ~ yOu are mAgic!☼