Feb 16, 2020 Shamanic Drum Journey Workshop ~VibeTribe Community Sanctuary

Feb 16, 2020 Shamanic Drum Journey Workshop ~VibeTribe Community Sanctuary

Shamanic Drum Journey Workshop

 Sunday February 16th

4 pm – 7 pm

2197 10th Ave. Honolulu, HI ~The VibeTribe Community Sanctuary

Join us for our Quarterly Shamanic Drum Journey Workshop. We will introduce you to the Powerful technique of Journeying using a steady drum beat. This method has been used for Centuries to carry journeyers thru the Veil between the Worlds. Come learn how to exercise this method to gain access to the teachings your Highest Self already knows.

You are encouraged to bring a notebook or journal to record your journey experience. We’ll be lying down to journey, so dress comfortably & feel free to bring a pareo/sarong, yoga mat or throw blanket to lie on. We also highly recommend an eye-mask or scarf to help you focus within. ~And how about bringing a friend to share the journey?!

Lentil Soup will be provided after the Workshop & you are invited to stay for our monthly Drum Journey Circle directly following . . .

Our location is the VibeTribe Community Sanctuary in Palolo Valley. If you have any questions, please text Ka’imi @ 372-2082. Mahalo.☼


Register here: https://tinyurl.com/rlqyc4j   ~Full price $55 & Early Bird Discount $33

You will need to select the number of tickets you are purchasing before the early bird discount option shows up!


Wayne Bow Medicine Bear will be leading this workshop & drumming for our journeys. ✲♡””*•.¸¸☼ ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼

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