“Courageous Creation” AudiOasis @ the new Ong King! Nov 25th, 2017
We’ll hear from the amazing ☼ Lealyn Papaya ☼ ~a one-woman storm of community innovations! . . . ~among her many fabulous creations are: Waikiki FreeHugs, Free Your Coconuts, the Aloha Cuddle Company, “the Dinner Party App” . . . & even more!
Every one of these gifts-to-us-all took courage on her part ~just as every inspired departure from the norm requires courage from each of us. Lealyn is a wayshower. ☼ She is lighting the way for all of us to follow our hearts into the creation of a love-based world! Lealyn is also the admin/leader of the Love Tribe Of the Double Rainbow, ~given that role by Heather Feather (before Heather left our Earth plane this past summer). I’m excited to show Lealyn our gratitude & to honor her for her super important service to us all.
♡”*•.¸¸☼ . . . And, I’m also super excited to share with you my own powerful story of being in Lealyn’s cuddle workshop!! ☼ ♡ ♡ ♡
Our fabulous venue for AudiOasis this month is the new Ong King! ***~onG kinG aRts cenTer: 1154 Fort Street Mall*** And yOu are invited to help us blow it up! ~bringing out a great crowd for Lealyn’s great presentation ~&~ supporting Evno’s couragous creation of this amazing & huge space for us to gather, twice the size of the original Ong King ((which wAs, wait for it: On King St :-))
☼ 6 pm ~you can reserve a catered $9 Vegan “Earthy Symphony” meal or bring your own potluck calabash vegetarian organic high-vibe dinner!
☼ 7 pm program: “Tales of a Courageous Creator” & “dolphin discussion pods”
☼ 8:30 guided meditation & ecstatic dance!
We’ll have lots of space to play . . . so we’ll offer our “Fabulous Free Store” & *Happy Healing Sanctuary* (~mahalo for your help, Anthony Mendez!) . . . & anything else yOu may want to bring forth; & we do welcome (actually we need!) your help for all of this to come into being, let me know? *•.¸¸☼
And yes! on Nov 25th, we’ll have a dance party starting at about 8:30, with delightful DJ Rev.Dr.Skills & led by the Sensational Sage Bee . . . she brought amazing energy through us by starting us off with Qi Gong in October, and I’m so eager to go higher & deeper this month. We’re also welcoming DJ Leen Esto from Purple Room to take us on a dance journey that could last until 2 am! (~ahhhh the beauty of onG kinG!)
Mahalo for yOur beautiful open heart & your happiness to participate in the joy of creating community! ♡”*•.¸¸☼ * * * We are beings of infinite possibilities.* * * Together, we are powerful! * * *
Hope you can join in ~Feel free to text or call me, Ka’imi, to offer your special contribution to this co-creation, or if you have any questions: 372-2082 ♥
. . . Mahalo nui loa & Infinite Love ♡”*•.¸¸☼
me ke aloha nui, Ka’imi
~~~~~~~~~~<<~channeling excerpts & more~>>~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We are in a powerful time of Transformation. The Transformation of the old to the New is easier now, as long as you don’t resist. Know of your Mission; your Promise. Be in Divine Service, in what or where you are guided to be. There is much work for all, as we all have within us how to share Love. It is as unique as each of us are. Feel what is important for you to do. Do you feel Joy or do you feel it is an old program? To increase your Light, do what is Joyful. Listening to your Heart, you will know.
If you practice Yoga, do the Warrior Pose often, for the energy of it integrates into all your bodies.
Connect often with the Heart of Gaia (the crystalline cluster at the center of Earth), for She is the greatest Warrior of all. Be Love, for Love is much stronger than fear. Observe the matrix being disintegrated; surely we see this with the current events of this powerful time. Honor who you are in all moments of your life. Rise up! ~Kara Schallock, 4 November, 2017
You are assisting the earth with your energies and love. By staying grounded and in the highest frequency that you can maintain, you will be serving your earth and yourselves. ~Mira of the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner, 2017
. . . We would ask that you take intentional time each day to grow quiet, to ask your loyal Spirit team of guides, Angelic guardians, and higher self, “What do I need to know?” and to genuinely listen. Allow them to encourage you, as they show you an easier way to travel whatever you are dealing with now, even if you do not pick up on specific words or ideas. Images or ideas may come to you at a later time, or you may hear or read something that clues you in with some bit of higher wisdom that answers your question. . . . This is all that is required, to lift yourself out of that heaviness that is Earth life at the moment. We bow to you, as always, for the bravery it took for you to come here at this time. And yet—what a beautiful journey, that ends in such a glorious show of color and Light, which itself leads only to greater vistas and horizons ahead.~The Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as “The Collective” via Caroline Oceana Ryan, November 3, 2017
This is an exceptionally challenging incarnation for you, because you are integrating all of your aspects, from all of your timelines and alternate realities. You need to be bathing in unconditional love and violet fire for the ultimate cleansing, and allow the peace of renewal to integrate into you in this Now. All is unfolding and all will be made right. We are available for consultation. We are the Elders. We honor you. ~The Elders of Earth via Galaxygirl, October 10th, 2017
With trust, so belief, hope, certainty, self-assurance and confidence emerge from the essence of your being. As you feel and acknowledge these qualities within your being, so your energy field expands. You become expansive, open, friendly, communicative, generous, outgoing and liberated from illusions and self-hindrance. You interact with the world within you and around you in a new, positive and loving way which means that you attract the plentiful, abundant and fulfilling energies of the Creator to flow through you and to you. Everything feels magical, synchronised and guided, creating much joy within your being and a deeper connection/observation of the Creator.
~Archangel Amethyst via Natalie Glasson, 2017
✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲
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