
AudiOasis: “One Love ~Soul Song Celebration!”

☼ Aloha Loving Hearts,
So very much to be grateful for! I am especially grateful for our guest presenter, Michael Wall, coming to AudiOasis this Sunday ,12/4! Michael is co-creator of the recent & spectacular Vege Fest 2016, & co-founder of Fire Tribe Hawaii ~sacred fire circle held for 11 years, with 44 magical gatherings. Michael has an amazing collection of deeply-felt, heart-expanding chants, & amazing skill in helping everyone join in the joy of singing. He also has a deep understanding of our inner divinity, and of the value of community in helping us to live from our hearts ~& as you know, our world needs us to sing out our heart & soul songs, now, more than ever.
All are welcome!

VibeTribe’s  AudiOasis:

One Love ~Soul Song Celebration!

 Sunday, December 4th, 2016

2197 10th Ave ~Vibe Tribe Community Sanctuary~Palolo Valley

☼ 6 to 7 ☼ High Vibe NON-GMO, Vegetarian/Vegan Potluck Calabash!

☼ 9 to 9:45 ☼  Dance Party!  

☼ 5 pm Set-Up ~we welcome youuuur help ☼
☼ We will again have our ☼ Healing Sanctuary☼ ~healers gifting their skills (you can be among them!)

& the ☼ Free Store!☼ ~Give what you no longer need, take what you do, mahalo!

☼ We ask for a Heart ♡ Donation of $5 . . . & for those who can donate more, please do so for those who cannot, mahalo! ☼
~Mahalo Nui Loa for all yOur love on Planet Earth!! ~ yOu are mAgic & together, we are the change we seek ~One Love!☼

✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲VibeTribe is an intentional community convening once a month to unite with our incredible friends & family to celebrate life, love, food, music, and the rise of our Collective Consciousness! ~We are ONE, we are LOVE, we are CREATORS! ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲

 ~~~~~~~~~~<<~channeling excerpts & more~>>~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A wave of energy which landed on Earth on September 27th is still coming in. This wave is raising everything to new levels including the vibrations of all humans everywhere. It is not only humanity, but every plant, animal, rock, and leaf. . . . We will tell you that you are about to take another turn. . . . Because of the higher vibration, you can now see things that were blocked from your view before. You are looking at all the rules you have set out for yourselves and others, and re-examining many of them. That is beautiful. It means you are allowing your own belief systems to evolve to the level from which you can now see.

. . . You have new capabilities of finding and grounding passion in your life in all new ways, and simplifying your lives. You are now starting to reveal worlds which you have not seen since the times of Lemuria. It was in Lemuria that you had deep connections with each other. It was no problem at all to connect in a different way and simply say, “Oh, you are a part of me. I feel you, I feel your needs; I will move aside and make this space for you.” . . . You have incarnated over and over and over again since the days of Lemuria. Your mission has been to be here when evolution was critical in your honoring of human rights. . . . [You know that] society has the capability of creating an environment in which all of you can grow and evolve in the most incredibly beautiful ways. These are the new times on your planet. As creators, you have created them! ~the Keeper of Time via Steve Rother, November 16, 2016

Circles invite all to be part of the grateful event and they allow the humans present to look each other in the eye while rounding and connecting themselves in step with the universe. ~Matthew Fox

For eons, you and all members of 3D society covered up, hid and feared to address those insults, anger, slights and fears that stopped you from being yourself. Perhaps it was no more than a neighbor ignoring you, or as fearful as you wondering if you and your family would survive an earth or human holocaust. Even though you did survive, the ongoing wound of, “When will it be my turn?” lingered throughout your being. Those hidden fears are now exposed for your final healing. Your current suffering is at a surface level and will not be something you need to address for weeks or months, as was true for your eons of internally-held fears. 

Maybe you are fearful that the earth is slipping backward regarding diversity and ecology? Such is not true. For if you are reading this material, you have clarified within yourself what is acceptable to you. You have focussed and cleared your fears to the point where you can express your fears, knowing deep within you that all is well, despite messages to the contrary. For what is happening now is not compliance, but instead, “This is not acceptable in my world.” So it is that you, en masse, are focussing on what you want, instead of what you believe is.

You will discover within yourself your new being of love that will crush (yes, crush is the correct word) the fear that is now expressed. You no longer need to cower in the corner telling others that he or she did this or that to me. You are different beings than you were mere months ago. And so it is that, even though you will sense and feel the hate, you know deep within you that is not your world, for you are creating a new world. This is a new world with new light. A light that will shine on all. And all you have to do, to be part of this new revolution, is to know deep within you that no one and nothing is more powerful than you. [You are] Shining your light so those out in the cold, as it were, know something else is available. Your light will touch your so-called ‘leaders’ (-for you no longer need leaders) as much as the common person. Your light of love will radiate throughout the globe, helping even earth move through its pain and anger. You will discover, that the rage and fears of others does not impact you as it once did. That, in fact, it feels a bit silly. For you know who you are without anyone needing to tell you who you should be. ~channeled via Brenda Hoffman, November 18, 2016

Key Elements of the New Age: 


Joy is the key element!


Pain is no longer fashionable.
Caretaking and victimhood are functions of pain.
It is now much easier and comfortable to access joy, than to access pain.
Rules do not apply.
Karma is no more.
Creation is your role.
You create your reality more easily than ever before.
Any creation can be changed or altered at any time.
. . . Before you access joy, and thereby create what you want, you need to answer the following questions:

o Who am I? 
o What do I want? 
o Why do I want it?  
~Brenda Hoffman          

These are changing times, awakening times, and sometimes the awakening happens in a rude and stark manner, and this is what is occurring now. In the meantime, the cosmic energies are inundating the atmosphere of the Earth and everyone upon her. These energies are increasing immensely in their intensity and so all that is occurring has an element of wild and unstable possibilities. And so, you Beloved Ones, who have been training and preparing for these times, are now in position to create the stability that is so very necessary as this plays out upon the surface of the planet. 

Many of you are experiencing more and more moments of extreme happiness, joy and bliss within yourselves and this is excellent! This is an excellent way to shine your Light – for this is the frequency of the new Golden age. Those who can maintain and sustain these frequencies are the ones who are aligning with the Golden age possibility and certainty. Those of you who are experiencing this are also experiencing creative ideas and creative possibilities. Each day is filled with boundless inspiration. 

You are the forerunners of that which is in the future for all of humanity when everyone upon the planet will have their basic needs provided. They will have, suddenly, this opportunity to explore their inner realms and they will find this process exciting and most liberating. Upon your world right now, there are diverse evolutionary levels within the understanding of each person and this is something that will continue for a few more years. It requires the loving patience of everyone who is aware that they can make a difference by maintaining a peaceful, calm attitude as the turbulence of the energy effects take place. ~Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff, November 20, 2016

As we speak about the players involved, we ask you to please remember what we have said many times—never is our interest in our Earth family politically motivated and never do we judge any of you. . . . It is not only people in the United States who have the most to gain or lose by who becomes their president. The same is so for the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati. Their heavy influence on Wall Street and in the nation’s government is due in large part to Bill and Hillary Clinton, who cooperate with that secret society; formerly among the few at its peak, when they saw its global control waning a decade or so ago, they established their own power base and funding sources. However questionable the Illuminati may deem Donald Trump’s campaign promises, they know he is “his own man,” a person they could not control.

During the weeks leading to the election, the energy of voters’ anger and distrust surrounding Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump increased to such an extent that it started drawing unto itself the streamers of all the scenarios, each of which had the potential to lead Bernie Sanders into the presidency. [The scenarios are described in the August 19, 2016 message.]  What would have transpired in orderly fashion as the streamers ran their well-defined courses, instead became an energy hodgepodge that could be likened to an octopus flailing in a sea of confusion. Energy is neutral, it simply flows in the direction set by intent. In this case, intent was to influence the election outcome, and the employment of various ways—some at odds with others—eventually created the octopus. . . . Clinton supporters in the Democratic National Committee maneuvered to Mrs. Clinton the votes in critical primaries that actually were won by Bernie Sanders; thus, it was she instead of the voters’ choice who became the Democratic party nominee. . . . The direction in which Mr. Trump and the Republican party want to take the country is in opposition to prevailing vibrations, which will continue to heighten along Earth’s ascension pathway. That party’s direction is in conflict with Gaia’s vision, which is shared by enlightened souls and their numbers are increasing by the day.  Beloved family, do not fear what might happen. Create what will happen by steadfastly living your light! Countless beings throughout this universe honor and support you with the unequaled power of unconditional love. ~Matthew via Suzanne Ward, November 11, 2016

The single most important thing we can do is to practice the heart’s intelligence in our everyday, moment-to-moment expressions. When this is done, you are truly aligned to this mission of helping the planetary shift. Choose to be a filament of coherent energy, a hub of heart intelligence that expresses itself in your everyday encounters. The planet, in a real sense, depends on our choice in this specific matter. The dimensional shift is arriving with increasing clarity. It is beginning to rumble and weave. Now is the time for each of us to make this choice consciously and to live it consciously. This is our time. ~Wingmakers, & James Mahu

 Please feel free to share this& to invite friends & family to join our  mailing list.   Mahalo nui!  Questions? Ask Ka’imi Nicholson, mknaloha@gmail.com, (808) 372-2082 *•.¸¸☼  I’m so grateful for the joy of sharing messages of hope with you. I am so grateful for all who hear the call to share the empowerment of our freedom, health, creativity & love, ~you rock!

Metaphysical Meets Physical ~ Journey Into the Sound

30 December 2016 ~ 7 to 9 PM
Bodhi Tree
654 N Judd St, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

From energy (metaphysical) form to physical form. From thought and feeling to creation. Everything in this universe begins with energy, with the atom, with formless flow until it becomes dense enough to manifest physically here in this 3D reality.
Join us as we explore the expansive healing vibrations of sound -bringing harmonized metaphysical vibrations into our physical life form to positively change our thoughts, feelings and physical health.

Lay back and relax. It’s that simple 🙂

**Please feel free to bring any crystals/stones or sacred objects you wish to cleanse and supercharge with the gong. And feel the deeper connection to your crystals within the gong vibrations!
**This is a great space to bring your journal or something to write on to document and process any insights, ideas or realizations from your journey
No prior experience, effort or practice is required to participate, everyone welcome! The gong does not conflict with any religious beliefs, it simply quiets the mind. Simply relax comfortably and breathe deeply for a healing sound experience of the gong.

$15-$30 suggested donation – goes toward the continuation of the Gong and the beautiful space offered by Bodhi Tree Dharma. Mahalo Nui for your contribution!

☯Please arrive early to allow time for parking and getting settled in! ☮

What to bring:
-Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
-Most people prefer to lie on a yoga mat for a gong meditation. Bring anything you like to help make yourself comfortable (blankets, pillows, etc.) when on the floor! Chairs are available.
-It is also a good idea to have a bottle of water (with a lid)!

Call or text Sarah Daigle if you have trouble finding us, at 808.226.5868. Text is best within 30 minutes of event time!
Some Knowledge/Benefits of the Gong:

-Organic Binaural Beats
-Balance Left & Right hemispheres of brain (corpus callosum)
-Stimulate Creative Centers in Right side of brain
-More Clarity/Awareness/Productivity/Creativity
-Activate & Recalibrate cellular electro-magnetic activity
-Strengthens & Resets Autonomic Nervous System
-Lowers Blood Pressure
-Raises your Energetic Vibration to a more harmonized state
-Relieves Stress
-Alleviates Pain
-Assists Body/Mind in its natural healing process
-Relax & Rejuvenate the body/mind/soul

-Helps to connect deeper to your Self and/or maybe a Source that is higher than your Self
-The gongs are known as a gift from the cosmos bringing connection to cosmic energies from the Akasha Rivers (Akashic Records)
-Possible remembering/discovering of information from all aspects and all lifetimes of your Self and beyond…past, present, future
-Helps to bring clarity to higher purpose here in this life
-Can assist in resolution with past emotional pain/traumas

Gong Meditations create space for you to relax, rejuvenate and if you are willing, to explore deeper into the understandings of who you are. Thank you for being open to the new experiences of the ancient powers of the Gong!

“Sound is the bridge from physical to metaphysical (nonphysical). Even though you cannot see the sound waves created from the physical instrument, you can FEEL them, and that is very much a reality which can and does change your physical state of being.”

Celebration of Light ~December 25th ~ All Welcome!

Our Mid-Winter Celebration of Light will be a Calabash Feast followed by a lovely “Light-Bringers” Ritual & full evening of sharing the joy of Music, Drumming, & Dancing! . . . Bring yOur beautiful celebration, whether it be Solstice, Yule, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa or Makahiki ~are all exquisite celebrations of the Return of the Light ☼ , . . . & of the growing light within us ☼. Our honoring of the Light brings it forth more powerfully, & we will lift all those in the darkness of fear or grief. Our joy is a balm of hope for the world as we bring our love to share with all! ☼ ~Please also bring your high-vibe main dish, side-dish, dessert, or drink to share: vegetarian, non-gmo, organic . . . . Love’s pure Light is the Magic we will create together! ☼

Celebration of Light

Sunday, December 25th, 2016
☼ 5:30 Gather for 6 pm Blessing ☼
2197 10th Ave ~Honolulu~Vibe Tribe Community Sanctuary~Palolo Valley

✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲VibeTribe is an intentional community convening with our incredible friends & family to celebrate life, love, food, music, & the rise of our Collective Consciousness . . . We are ONE, we are LOVE, we are CREATORS ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲

~~~~~~~~~~<<~channeling excerpts & more~>>~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The exact date & time of the Winter Solstice in Honolulu is Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 12:44 am. ☼ (The light of day will then lengthen until the summer Solstice in June.) ☼ The Solstice is a portal time ~greater light & love pouring into our Earth from Source. We are the beings who anchor this light into the Earth & through which the light of love spreads to all beings.

Energetically, this is a portal; it is a very powerful day. Solstices are turning points and they are crossing new energy with energy that is closing down. And, this day is a day for feeling that energy. If you can, take time to meditate. Be specific about what is you wish to receive in your meditation, for your wishes shall be granted in some form or another. Anchor and acknowledge the energy space that is sacred on this specific day.

~Council of Light via Laura West, Nov 14, 2016

This is a powerful time on your Earth, for it is a time of alignment with the cosmos. You have learned ways in which you can capitalize on this energy, and consciously projecting joy is key. I will repeat this again, consciously projecting joy is key! As you send joy to others, you allow more to enter into your own life, for you see, as humanity, you are all connected, you are all one, there is no difference between you. Sending joy to one another allows more joy into your own life, and also more joy into your neighbor’s life, your friend’s life, your enemy’s life. As you choose joy, you are shifting the collective consciousness, for you are not separate. Your belief in duality may tell you that, oh, you are an individual, you are unique. And this is true to some extent, for you do display individual characteristics and you are a beautiful, vibrant, unique being. But at the same time, you are all one with all that is. And so, in order to create the shift which you yearn for, the shift from pain to joy and love, you must look within. The answers you are looking for do not lie in someone else making changes, it is up to each and every one of you to make the change inside of you, and allow it to spread throughout consciousness, to spread throughout the collective.

~Archangel Metatron via Melanie Beckler

There is only Love. Open your hearts to it. The only reason you do not feel and experience it is because you are closed down in fear. You get impressions of it, momentary sensations that feel very good, but you still keep shutting down as the distractions of the illusion grab your fearful attention. Please, open your hearts! Your trust in the divine plan is essential. Basically, deep within yourselves you do trust, but you keep delaying your awareness of it. Humanity’s awakening is inevitable, unavoidable, divinely assured, and is taking place right now. What you Light-workers, bearers, and holders need to do is nothing. Just allow the Love burning powerfully within you all to FLOW through you, without restriction, and out to interact, as it most certainly will, with all with whom you meet and interact.

Love is infinitely powerful, but also gentle, It does not force or drive, It is delivered by all of you through your loving intentions to precisely where It is needed in the now moment. That “now moment” is NOW! Open your hearts and allow the divine energy field – LOVE – to flow through them. You are blessed to be on Earth in her moment of need. You volunteered and were chosen to assist in this massive undertaking that will not be stopped or diverted.

The distractions of the illusion cannot in any way hinder the divine plan for Earth and all the life forms she supports so lovingly. The conflicts, suffering, deprivation, and destructive activities that are causing you so much anxiety will cease. The time for the exploitation and unthinking enslavement of the many by the few severely misguided ones is at an end. Humanity will no longer agree to submit by handing away its power to authoritarian regimes of any kind – international corporations, political parties, governments, military and police forces, or religious organizations –that believe that they have the right to control and rule it. Already you can see people taking back their power, and this will continue.

Humanity desires only to live in peace and harmony, in alignment with its true nature, and this is where you are headed. The insanity of authoritarian regimes that seek conflict with one another is now well understood and will no longer be enabled. You are all sovereign beings perfectly capable of living in peace with your worldly neighbors, without outside interference. . . .Turn towards Love, embrace It, trust your inner guidance, your God-given intuition, and go forth enthusiastically engaging with all you meet honestly and openly by just being you.

~Jesus via Ron Head, December 15, 2016

Some of us have been working on clearing our subconscious mind from fear for years, so we can become clear channels of light. It is such a joy to see the progress we have made. Love has won! It may not appear like love has won, but it has and we are now on 5D Earth. The Earth jumped into the 5D timeline on the equinox of March 19, 2016. Many of us were already manifesting 5D and 6D energy, now the whole Earth will be able to do that. It will take a while to finish going through the process of integration. On May 21st when the sun lined up with Alcyone, we activated 7D energy. This is the energy of sound, and now sound healing will work very well. We are transforming into the new, so stay in the now, manifest love, and think with your heart.

~Mahala Gayle, Dec 7, 2016

You have stepped forward onto a platform that looks at things completely differently. You are all beautiful vessels ready to be filled and you are now choosing what you wish to include. You are choosing to navigate through inclusion and love, the great connector and the great amplifier. You will no longer need to navigate through deep discomfort. You will not need to create huge crisis in your life to get your attention. If you are creating consciously, your focus will shift from what you want to let go of, to what you wish to fill yourself up with. You are far more empowered when you start to create by what you wish to experience!

 ~Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young, 2016

Your personal reality expands from a small-world focus of a me / my state of consciousness to an expanded consciousness which includes the world, the solar system and beyond. No longer do you respond to painful events in life as fated or punishment, for you realize they are challenges and opportunities for growth. . . . You have a golden opportunity to join the ranks of those who are creating a bright new world for themselves and their loved ones.

~Archangel Michael via RonnaStar, 12/12/16

¸•*´¨ `*•.JOY¸.•*´¨`*•.LOVE ¸.•*´¨*•.LIGHT¸.•*´ `*•.

Questions? Ask me, Ka’imi, mknaloha@gmail.com, (808) 372-2082 *•.¸¸☼ We’re so grateful for the joy of sharing messages of hope with you & grateful for all who hear the call to share the empowerment of our freedom, health, creativity & love, ~you rock!

AudiOasis: “Connection Rocks!” Saturday Nov. 12th, 2016 2500 Pali Hwy


Aloha Light Beams,

Take heart! Even though our (corporate) news media doesn’t reflect it, humanity’s consciousness shift from fear to love continues powerfully on Planet Earth! And staying in our hearts is, of course, our own highest & best contribution to this tenderly terrific transformation . . .

Chris Gongaware is a courageous, skilled, & all-around wonderful wayshower for heart-centered living, & I am thrilled to have him as our presenter for our AudiOasis: “Connection Rocks!” ~on Saturday November 12.

Cultivating & feeling emotional connection with those around me has helped me learn to feel worthy, lovable, and confident in what I have to give ~how about you?! Chris will be leading us in exercises & games which bring forth authentic & deepened communication, helping us connect not only with each other, but with our own inner truth & inner spirit. A meaningful & joyous journey! We’ll be back on the Pali Hwy, with lots of space, so please invite your friends & neighbors! And yOur beautiful energy is needed by us all . . .

me ke aloha Ka’imi

VibeTribe’s AudiOasis: “Connection Rocks!”

Saturday, Nov. 12th, 2016

2500 Pali Hwy

☼ 6 to 7 ☼ High Vibe non-gmo, Vegetarian/Vegan Potluck Calabash!

☼ 7 to 9 ☼ Connection Rocks! with Chris Gongaware!” Toning, Water Blessing, Sharing, Meditation, Dancing & More 


We will again have our  . . .

☼ Healing Sanctuary☼ ~healers gifting their skills! (And yOu can join them!)

☼ Free Store! Give what you no longer need, take what you do! “We live in a world of plenty. We each have something to offer. We can fulfill our needs locally, without a monetary exchange.” ~Sarah Marie Leone

HeartDonation of $5 at the door ☼ We are paying rent on our beautiful space & need *your* help ~Mahalo! (& for those who can donate more, please do for those who cannot & foradvancing our creation of living & serving in community!) ~Mahalo Nui Loa for supporting . . .

We are an intentional community convening once a month with our incredible friends & family to celebrate life, love, food, music, and the rise of our Collective Consciousness!  We join forces to remember our powers as beings of Light, to realign & clear our energy fields, to heal and rejuvenate, & to deepen the co-creation of our dreams!

♥ We are ONE, we are LOVE, we are CREATORS! ♥


 *DIRECTIONS to 2500 Pali Hwy*  ~This big white house is also the Unitarian Church:

From KailuaIt’s on the Ewa-Nu’uanu side of Pali Hwy, turn right onto Niolopa St. (directly Makai-Hnl of Temple Emanu-El). Enter 2nd Driveway on left of Niolopa St. . . . & park inside, lots of space! 

From HonoluluOn Pali -take left at 1st traffic light after the Wyllie St. exit, -Jack Lane, make a U-turn onto Pali Hwy, & finish U-Turn in far right lane, & turn right onto Niolopa St. (directly Makai-Hnl of Temple Emanu-El). Enter 2nd Driveway on left of Niolopa St. . . . & park inside, lots of space!

Inline image 1~~~>>~♥~<<~channeling excerpts & more~>>~♥~<<~~~

We see the changes in the energy of your world very clearly. And we are telling you now that this energy is rising. This is what you came for. This is what you are good at. And this is what you are doing. Those of you who do indeed feel the energy of Earth’s field know this. ~The Council via Ron Head, October 28th, 2016

Earth’s energy field of potential is teeming with activity like never before in your recorded history, as powerful waves of light are propelling efforts toward outcomes you will heartily welcome. This influx of light is fast weakening the Illuminati’s hold on their fragments of economic, political and media control, and has motivated many minions in lower ranks to leave so there will be distance between them and their former associates when truths emerge about the Illuminati. Those at the top are trying to salvage some of their former power, but it will be to no avail—none of their nefarious schemes will succeed. Accelerating vibrations along with evidence in hacked documents, leaked information, whistleblowers and firm action by influential individuals in governments, military and intelligence forces, and banking and legal systems, are bringing an end to the Illuminati’s long dark reign. 

. . . Energy surrounding the two major parties’ nominees is negatively ablaze, you could say, and it is possible that scenarios in addition to those mentioned in our August message will develop. Positive energy around Bernie Sanders hasn’t waned, it still is leading him into the presidency. ~Matthew (Apostle) via Suzanne Ward, May 19, 2016

What is taking place in your world is not a terrible mistake. The present upheaval in society must occur. And no good will come from blaming others for the ills you see around you ~for which of you is blameless? What you are witnessing is “The Great Shift” that was foretold long, long ago. It is here now and you have a part to play in it. Whenever you link with us or with any form of the Divine you love, you are able to hold steady, even while everything about you is collapsing. At this point in time it is impossible to find stability in the outer world, so don’t waste your time looking for it there. Do not respond to this world-wide upheaval by falling into despair and hiding yourself away, but instead, gather with those who, like you, are also seeking the highest good. You took birth at this time in history because you wanted to be part of this great change. So quiet your heart now as you turn within to the presence that has never left you and never will. Hold to this inner place of silence and from here we will guide you. ~the Great Council of the Grandmothers via Sharon McErlane, Nov.1, 2016

Honoring yourself by regularly taking quiet time to review your next step can help you do what makes your heart sing while being of service for greatest good. ~Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst via Linda M. Robinson, November 1, 2016

As the energies ramp up to an even greater degree in the coming days, it is important to take time to experience that which brings you joy, laughter, peace, and inspiration personally. It is important to focus on these things; to take time away from your Earthly duties and concerns often and take a break by going out in nature and doing things that you usually put off until another day, those things that nurture you and replenish your own energy. Feel the joy, laugh often, laugh loudly, there is so much beauty around you – it fills every place and space in your environment – look for it and enjoy it! Begin now to treat yourself with kindness and compassion:

I AM one with God. I AM peaceful and loving. I AM aligned with my Soul Purpose. I AM inspired with thoughts which serve my highest good. I AM relaxed and at peace. I AM enjoying an abundant lifestyle. I AM offering all my work to the Divine Presence and I AM fulfilled.”

~Have these or other phrases ready to quickly turn to, as soon as you notice negative thoughts creeping in. Don’t worry if you don’t believe your words at first. This is just the resistance of old habits of thought, and these habits can be changed.   Remember that you are profoundly loved. Know that Angels embrace you in wings of pure light and see you as a beautiful, radiant spirit here to bring love to the world. This is who you really are.~ Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel, October 23, 2016 (www.TheGabrielMessages.com)

We feel a momentum now, an unseen energy propelling us forward now. A beauty that feels like the joy of living and it’s bringing in the new. Now. A new paradigm, a new consciousness, a new softness. Like riding a wave, we are going to roll with this universal shift and let it envelope us, hold us, wrap us in its warm embrace and bring us home. Home to where our heart is. To where love is. To where kindness is. To where abundance is. To where peace and happiness is. To where openness and courage is. ~Venus Starwalker, October 25, 2016

Source Tantra Beginner’s Seminar ~Preview Evening!


Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving! Preview the Source Tantra Beginner’s Weekend that will be coming up November 18-20. We’ll provide an introduction to tantra, the format of the seminar, answer questions, and support folks in making a decision about attending the weekend seminar. You can see more about the weekend seminar at the following links.

Tantra Yoga Oahu
Hawaii Tantra Seminar

Please RSVP so we have an idea of how many to expect and plan for. Call Paul (808) 497-2901 to RSVP and let him know if you’re running late or get lost. Mahalo!

Sexual Vitality Workshop with Solla Pizzuto ~October 7th

tantra-facing-couple-imagePowerful Vitality Practices for Wellness & Vibrant Sexuality . . . Learn INTERNAL ALCHEMY & SEXUAL VITALITY . . . Explore ancient Taoist & Tantric heart-to-soul practices and discover life-changing secrets for health, longevity, sexual vitality & conscious intimacy: *•.¸¸☼ Free Intro Friday night Oct 7th ~ 7 to 8 pm! . . . *•.¸¸☼ Women’s Workshop Saturday Oct 8th ~10 am to 2 pm $165 (includes Jade Egg)
*•.¸¸☼ *•.¸¸☼ Men’s Course Sunday October 9th ~ 10-2pm $135
. . . *•.¸¸☼ Couple’s Course & Puja Ceremony *•.¸¸☼ Sunday Oct 9th ~ 3:30 to 7pm $225 per couple, or $135 singles (~bring friend to practice with!)
* * * $45 for additional Women’s Jade Egg ($50 for non-students)
* * * $205 for 75 minute Private Sessions with Solla *•.¸¸☼ *•.¸¸☼
*•.¸¸☼*•.¸¸☼*•.¸¸☼ Please prepay via PAYPAL to: https://www.paypal.me/SollaCA . . . & RSVP: Ka’imi 1-808-372-2082 ~mknaloha.gmail.com

*•.¸¸☼ Join Solla ~Global Tao Wellness Educator, Advanced Chi Nei-Kar Sai Nei Tsang Specialist . . .
*•.¸¸☼ *•.¸¸☼ *•.¸¸☼ & Learn to . . .
*Experience deeper connection with your partner
*Increase blood flow to the genitals
*Increase stamina and sexual energy
*Improve sexual health & function
*Enjoy wave upon wave of rich, full-body orgasms
*Achieve harder, longer-lasting erections
*Prevent prostate, ovarian cancer and fibroids
*Feel greater energy and vitality
*Increase lubrication and sexual pleasure
*Practice Radical Self Care
*Massage Internal Organ system
*Reverse the aging process
These powerful 5,000 year old techniques reinvigorate life-force, increase energy, and awaken body, mind and spirit to a deeper, richer feeling of intimacy and ecstasy with your partner! These techniques help those suffering from impotency, painful intercourse or menstruation, decreased libido and the effects of menopause . . . powerful self-healing & overall increasing health & vitality!
*•.¸¸☼ *•.¸¸☼ This event includes:
*Internal Organ Detox Therapies (Chi Nei Tsang & Kar Sai) for sexual health
*Ancient Taoist Jade Egg practices for women’s health & sexual vitality
*Male Sexual Energy Cultivation & Seminal Fluid Retention for peak vitality
*Shared Sexual Energy Cultivation for couples
*24 Hour Foreplay techniques for keeping the excitement alive all day
*How to make love for HOURS . . . DAYS . . . LIFETIMES . . .
*How to practice Self Care for Longevity & Self-Love

*•.¸¸☼ “Kalu Rimpoche, the Dalai Lama’s teacher, says there are three paths to enlightenment. The fastest is sacred sexuality or Tantra.”~Joan Heartfield *•.¸¸☼

*•.¸¸☼ PRIVATE SESSIONS with RSVP dates are October 10, 11, 12 *•.¸¸☼ Solla’s rate for a private Sacred Intimacy, Ching Chi Sexual Kung Fu training session, and Therapy of Chi Nei Tsang-Kar Sai is $400-$500 for 90 minutes.
A special rate for Hawaii is $205 hour. Please rsvp and prebook to ensure a spot for October 10, 11, 12. *•.¸¸☼

�Solla is a Global Wellness Educator and Professional Holistic practitioner with experience in medicine, psychology, therapeutic bodywork, meditation and ancient Taoist energy/longevity practices. Her global workshops, private sessions, and consultations awaken people to empower their lives through the mastery of personal health, wellness, sexual vitality, practices of conscious connection and sacred love.

Solla has a uniquely diverse background that includes serving as a Combat Medic in the US Army, being a nurse in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, academic studies in Pre-Medicine, Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology, as well as studies in various forms of meditation, certifications in yoga, nutrition, and a wide variety of therapeutic healing bodywork modalities.

As a Universal Healing Tao Instructor and Tantra Practitioner, she has had extensive training and certifications by numerous legendary teachers, including Taoist Grand Master Mantak Chia, Tantra Master Charles Muir, and Dawn Cartwright.

Additionally, Solla is a highly sought after Holistic Practitioner for her Advanced Mastery Level 5- Chi Nei Tsang (Life Pulse Massage) and Kar Sai Nei Tsang expertise.

Her work across the globe integrates more than twenty years of experience into a series of simple but powerful practices designed to help awaken people all over the world to master their health, empower their lives, increase their sexual vitality, and experience the deep and lasting rewards of conscious intimacy.

For more, visit:
Listen to free Audio Interviews with Solla on Facebook and links below: inner sexual alchemy, empowerment, vitality, longevity, and love consciousness practices.





Cannabis As Medicine

Cannabis is the Name of the Medicine
On Tuesday, August 23rd from 6:30 to 9 p.m., Please join us for a special FREE educational evening at the Vibe Tribe Sanctuary: 2197 10th Avenue (Palolo 96816).

At 6:30 American Cannabis Nurse Association member (RN) Wendy Gibson will show the movie “Weed” by Dr. Sanjay Gupta (45-minute long).

At 7:30 Wendy will use her “Cannabis as Medicine” , Powerpoint presentation that was created to educate health care professionals, to explain:
1) The Science–terminology, the chemistry of the plant, methods of delivery.
2) How it works; Our own body’s cannabis system.
3) The history of use in the United States and how it became illegal.
4) Research on Safety and Effectiveness for various medical conditions.
5) How to access The Medical Marijuana program in Hawaii—Dispensaries.
6) Where to get more information.

No quiz will be given but you may receive prizes for answering questions.

There will be time for Q/A and discussions at the end of the session.

Please bring a mat or blanket to sit on and your favorite drink and snack. This is an alcohol-free event.

If you have questions, please contact Wendy Gibson via Facebook Invitation, personal message or by calling or texting (808) 321-4503.

The Magic Island ManiFestival

manifestival-imageBeloved Friends, Family, and Conscious Community of Oahu,

We cordially invite you to participate in our second Annual Vibe Tribe Summer ManiFestival, on the beach! This year we have an epic line up of music, yoga, dance, ceremony, meditation and we are so excited to bring together our island’s tribes for one epic celebration.

The intention of the Manifestival is to bring your visions, hopes, desires, goals, and your wishes, to boldly share them with others, to celebrate their arrival in advance, and to create a sacred space where we can empower ourselves to truly see the greatness in each other, and rekindle the fire of creation.

You can do it!!

AND Check out this EPIC Line Up
4-5 pm – Set-Up time ~we’d love your help!
5-6 pm Welcome & Potluck/ Beach Party – bring your healthiest/ most delicious dish to share! (Please BYO plates, cups/water, utensils and napkins & bring your surf boards, bikinis, hula hoops, frisbees, flow toys).
~ ~ ~ Music, Poems, Hugs, Cuddling, Food
6 -6:30 pm – Vibe Tribe Town Hall
7:00- The ManiFestival
7:45-8:15 – Music by Taimane & Windy Weather
7:45-8 pm FireWorks!
8-8:15 ManiFestival Ceremony
8:00-9:30 Ecstatic Dance Party with DJ Miko Franconi

AFTER PARTY: ONG KING!! Ecstatic Dance, Massage Party, Donation Cover/ Bar, Cool Conscious People.

Get Involved:
Set/ Pack Up Crew- We really need your help bringing out all the equipment to the cove at Magic Island!
Sound Team- Equipment, running sound, set up/ take down
Food Team
Water Blesser
Decoration/ Temple Team
Welcome team
Photography/Videography ~we cherish these moments together!
(NO FREE STORE this time! Hold your items or donate at a local nonprofit! Kahumana Farm & Cafe could always use more clothing and such!)

What to Bring:
*$5-$20 Suggested donation (annual fundraiser)
1) Potluck item
2) BYO plates, cups/water, utensils and napkins
3) something comfy to sit/lay on for picnic and sound journey
4) Any drinking water you wish to have blessed
5) Smiles, Hugs and lots of Love!!

Vibe Tribe Founders
Jonathan Fritzler
Ka’imi Nicholson
Sarah Daigle

Vibe Tribe Colorado: Opening Invocation
Meghan Clare de Lune

Musical Performances by:
Taimane Gardner: http://taimane.com/

Windy Weather: https://soundcloud.com/windy-weather


Miko Franconi (SoundSex): https://soundcloud.com/mikofranconi

Water Appreciation Day – Healing the waters of our body and planet together!

water day 2016

Join us as we honor and heal the waters of our planet and our beautiful bodies for the celebration of Water Appreciation Day!

The global holiday, brought to life from the water messenger himself, Dr. Masaru Emoto, has been combined with the Day Out of Time celebration from the 13 moon calendar and is normally celebrated on July 25th. We decided to celebrate early so everyone can make it on Sunday 24th! We hope you will join us

We aim to create a magical space where all walks, faiths, religions, spiritualists, and beyond can join as One to assist in the purification and healing of our planet through sound, prayer and intention, and lots of laughter and smiles!

You are invited to bring any songs, poems or stories about water, healing, unity and/or love to share with the community! Sharing time will be during potluck and singing celebration.

4-5pm – Potluck/Play Time – bring your healthiest dish to share! Please BYO plates, cups/water, utensils and napkins & bring your hula hoops, frisbees, play things 😉
5-5:30pm – Singing Celebration, Share songs, poems, music
5:30-6pm – Why Water Appreciation & Healing? Testing the Emoto water experiment!
6-8pm – Water Blessing / Guided Meditation / Sacred Sound Journey

What to Bring:
1) Potluck item
2) BYO plates, cups/water, utensils and napkins
3) something comfy to sit/lay on for picnic and sound journey
4) Any drinking water you wish to have blessed
5) Smiles, Hugs and lots of Love!!

Our planet is made up of at least 70% water as are our bodies. Dr. Emotions discovered that water holds memory and can be shifted/changed through intention and sound. Sometimes we get out of balance with our health and at this time, our planet is a bit out of balance with overall health. We all deserve to feel healthy, happy and whole, so we are honored to open up this opportunity to raise the vibrations and heal!

Donations are Honored!

Find out more on Dr. Emoto here:  Www.masaru-emoto.net

Find out more on Water Appreciation Day & Day Out of Time: Www.lawoftime.org

This is a Drug and Alcohol Free event. Mahalo for your cooperation and joyful participation!

Celebrating Mary Magdalene’s Day – for the FIRST time in history! July 22

Mary Magdalene ~Feast Day

This will be the start of a monthly Women’s Full Moon Gathering at the VibeTribe Community Sanctuary House!

We will celebrate the fact that Pope Francis has now turned Mary Magdalene’s memorial day on July 22nd into an annual Feast Day  (like the male Apostles!) -raising the status of this intriguing historic woman! As we all know, the Pope has a pretty big following, so this raising the status of this debated woman is a big step for humanity. Let’s celebrate Mary Magdalene! Was she in fact Jesus’s most beloved disciple? . . . or his wife?

We will read the gospel of Mary Magdalene, one of many uncanonized gospels (the ones that didn’t make the Bible), and create a space where women get to do what we have been doing since ancient times: connecting, talking story, resting, moving, and storing up on the necessary nourishment we get from each others female presence, from gathering in a circle.