AudiOasis: “The Totalitarian Tiptoe” & what we’re doing about it!
What is the Toltalitarian Tiptoe? It is the gradual erosion of our rights to freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom over what to put into our bodies, and even our freedom to make a living. This is rather bad news about the state of our world, yet I bring with it, the very good news that I see how the awareness of the bad news is actually catapulting humanity into a new level of insight, love, compassion, & dedication to creating a world that works for everyone (not just the super wealthy), and truly upholds “liberty & justice for all.”
Our monthly event known as AudiOasis, (this coming Friday 4/23, both in person & via video!), is intended to gather those who are aware of the triple trap (of injection, vaccine-passport, and global currency) that is currently being laid out for humanity globally, so we can discuss our responses and share our resources for preserving freedom. We will be looking at individual & community initiatives, micro to macro. And if you aren’t able to join us, please feel free to send Ka’imi your responses/ideas/ solutions:, as we are compiling resources to share with all. ~☼~Together, love prevails! ~☼~
Our monthly event known as AudiOasis, (this coming Friday 4/23, both in person & via video!), is intended to gather those who are aware of the triple trap (of injection, vaccine-passport, and global currency) that is currently being laid out for humanity globally, so we can discuss our responses and share our resources for preserving freedom. We will be looking at individual & community initiatives, micro to macro. And if you aren’t able to join us, please feel free to send Ka’imi your responses/ideas/ solutions:, as we are compiling resources to share with all. ~☼~Together, love prevails! ~☼~
VibeTribe’s AudiOasis:
~ 6 pm Calabash Potluck Dinner~
7 pm Program ~with~ Zoom Video Conferencing Meeting ID: 862 6918 7437
~ 6 pm Calabash Potluck Dinner~
7 pm Program ~with~ Zoom Video Conferencing Meeting ID: 862 6918 7437
2197 10th Ave. Palolo Valley, at the VibeTribe Community Sanctuary
☼ 6 pm ☼ Potluck Calabash ☼ Organic Non-Gmo Vegetarian/Vegan!
-& the return of – Our Fabulous
☼ Free Store ☼ “Give what you no longer need, take what you do!” -&-
☼ 7 to 9 pm “The Totalitarian Tiptoe” & What We’re Doing About It
☼ 9:00 pm ☼ Sound Journey/Gong Meditation ♫♫ ♫ ♫♫
-& the return of – Our Fabulous
☼ Free Store ☼ “Give what you no longer need, take what you do!” -&-
☼ 7 to 9 pm “The Totalitarian Tiptoe” & What We’re Doing About It
☼ 9:00 pm ☼ Sound Journey/Gong Meditation ♫♫ ♫ ♫♫
☼ 10 pm clean up, & put away ~& we’d love yOur help, mahalo! . . .
OFFERING: Suggested gratitude donation of $5 to $20 . . . We also accept paypal ( & trade, such as organic food. We’re happy with Bitcoin, or altcoin such as ETH, AMP, or OMG, too! . . . No one is turned away, all are welcome . . . and, for those who cAn donate more, we ask for $20, please, ~for those who cannot, mahalo nui loa! 

Reminder: VibeTribe gatherings are vegetarian, no-alcohol & no recreational drugs, mahalo!
Have you seen Naomi Wolfe’s warning? . . .
Have you seen Naomi Wolfe’s warning? . . .
Mark Moss explains the clever way the global elite is constructing a global currency that they control:
. . .~~~<<>>~☼~<<>>~~~ . . .
♡”*•.¸¸☼ ĻƠṼҼ ƌƝƊ ĻIǤҢƮ”*•.¸
Mahalo Nui Loa for yOur light on Planet Earth! ~yOu are mAgic!☼
♡”*•.¸¸☼ ĻƠṼҼ ƌƝƊ ĻIǤҢƮ”*•.¸
Mahalo Nui Loa for yOur light on Planet Earth! ~yOu are mAgic!☼
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