AudiOasis: “Exploring Cryptocurrency” @ Ong King 1154 Fort Street Mall ~7 pm
~There’s an innovation storm a-coming! Join us in learning about this early-adoption phase of cryptocurrencies, which may correspond to where the entire internet, itself, was around 1992-93. Can we say goodbye to privately-owned centralized banks legally and secretly stealing the wealth of we-the-people, & hello to whole new systems of peer-to-peer transactions with built-in security-transparency?
With their lower transaction costs, and greater scalability and security, Bitcoin and other digital currencies present an existential threat to the state fiat money that we’ve been subject to thus far. Over the next decade, we may see the greatest transference of wealth ever known, the rise of a very positive global transformation.
Come learn the basics of block-chain and this whole new world of innovative internet technology, as we begin to explore the infinite possibilities. Together, we will want to harness this power as a tremendous source of well-being for humanity & all life on planet Earth. We are the transformers, heart to heart. It is our time to shine!
☼ 6 pm ~you can reserve a catered $9 Vegan meal or bring your own potluck calabash vegetarian organic high-vibe dinner!
☼ 7 pm program: Exploring Cryptocurrency, Q & A, “dolphin discussion pods” ☼ our guided meditation sound journey, & we’ll end with drumming & dancing!
Suggested donation is on a sliding scale of $5 to $15 at the door. Trade (such as organic food!) is also welcome & no one is ever turned away! ♥ ♥ ♥
We welcome you to join our inspired community of creators, leaders, artists, dancers, healers, musicians, fire spinners, lovers of life, & wisely quiet observers ~Mahalo nui loa!
Venue: The new onG kinG is located at the northeastern edge of Chinatown, through the lobby of 1154 Fort Street Mall (the old Blaisdell Hotel). This is between Pauahi St. and Chaplin Lane, on the Fort Street Mall promenade, near Berertania St. ~less than one block makai of Beretania St., or one & 1/2 blocks mauka of Hotel Street.
Parking: On-street parking can be found along Bethel St, Nuu’anu Ave., Pauahi St. or the section of Pali between Vineyard & Beretania (~& meters are free after 6 pm :-). The closest municipal lot is off of Beretania, between Nu’u’anu & Smith Street. ~☼ Enjoy being the light of the world as you walk down the promenade to onG kinG @ 1154 Fort Street Mall ☼
~~~~~~~~~~<<~channeling excerpts & more~>>~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You are the holders of the Dream. As love, as this new beginning of love emerges and blossoms . . . yes, it is growing, as that blossoms, there is a new paradigm, there is a new realm of existence. Do not engage in negativity. I come this day to open your heart more fully to the unity of love, the unity of All. . . . You cannot be tolerant and compassionate and forgiving of those who truly have created the chaos, who have gone astray, on scenic detours of monumental proportions, you cannot be tolerant if you are not in the wonder, the awe, of who you are and in that expansiveness, in the unified energy. Do you not wish to show them, to bring them up and share with them so that they may see the magnificence of who they are? So, do not in any way buy into those who wish to create systems of punishment, systems of exclusion. . . . The new beginning is for everyone. The new beginning is literally a new time on earth, when peace and love and joy and fulfillment, in every meaning of that word, will reign. ~AAMichael via Linda Dillon, December 14, 2017
You are feeling the need to shift and change, to restructure what has been held in place for months or years, or even decades. Some of this will have to do with public life in increasingly noticeable ways. Much of it will have to do with your own realizations of what is best for you now, and who you are in your truest, most authentic self, as you journey forward with an ever-increasing vibration. You are realizing more and more now, that each day that dawns holds the potential for exponential growth.
When folks speak of the coming political climate snowballing into that which will make the Watergate era pale in comparison, they have not even the slightest idea of the depth and Truth of that statement. They are feeling intuitively what we in the higher realms see quite tangibly forming, the outer manifestations of which you are already beginning to witness, though only by a small degree. It is a series of events, a turning of public understanding, mass realization, and consciousness, that goes beyond the demand for justice as you know it. You now live, in other words, in the very atmosphere of Truth-telling itself. And so, we do not say, “What a shame—your Earth (or your life) is in such turmoil!” We say instead, “This Area Now Under Construction.” ~the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective via Caroline Oceana Ryan, November 27, 2017
How to bring youself back to a place of self-love in an instant, no matter how stressed you feel: Simply close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and breath into that area. Then silently ask yourself the question, “What’s the most loving thing I could do for myself right now.” Your answer might be something as simple as taking some deep breaths or drinking some water. It might be saying “no” to a recent request or speaking up for yourself. Or it might be to engage in some loving self-talk. . . . When we take care of ourselves, everything else flows. ~Marci Smirnoff 12-10-17
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