AudiOasis: “Connection Rocks!” Saturday Nov. 12th, 2016 2500 Pali Hwy

Aloha Light Beams,
Take heart! Even though our (corporate) news media doesn’t reflect it, humanity’s consciousness shift from fear to love continues powerfully on Planet Earth! And staying in our hearts is, of course, our own highest & best contribution to this tenderly terrific transformation . . .
Chris Gongaware is a courageous, skilled, & all-around wonderful wayshower for heart-centered living, & I am thrilled to have him as our presenter for our AudiOasis: “Connection Rocks!” ~on Saturday November 12.
Cultivating & feeling emotional connection with those around me has helped me learn to feel worthy, lovable, and confident in what I have to give ~how about you?! Chris will be leading us in exercises & games which bring forth authentic & deepened communication, helping us connect not only with each other, but with our own inner truth & inner spirit. A meaningful & joyous journey! We’ll be back on the Pali Hwy, with lots of space, so please invite your friends & neighbors! And yOur beautiful energy is needed by us all . . .
me ke aloha Ka’imi
VibeTribe’s AudiOasis: “Connection Rocks!”
Saturday, Nov. 12th, 2016
2500 Pali Hwy
☼ 6 to 7 ☼ High Vibe non-gmo, Vegetarian/Vegan Potluck Calabash!
☼ 7 to 9 ☼ Connection Rocks! with Chris Gongaware!” Toning, Water Blessing, Sharing, Meditation, Dancing & More
We will again have our . . .
☼ Healing Sanctuary☼ ~healers gifting their skills! (And yOu can join them!)
& ☼ Free Store! Give what you no longer need, take what you do! “We live in a world of plenty. We each have something to offer. We can fulfill our needs locally, without a monetary exchange.” ~Sarah Marie Leone
Heart♡Donation of $5 at the door ☼ We are paying rent on our beautiful space & need *your* help ~Mahalo! (& for those who can donate more, please do for those who cannot & foradvancing our creation of living & serving in community!) ~Mahalo Nui Loa for supporting . . .
We are an intentional community convening once a month with our incredible friends & family to celebrate life, love, food, music, and the rise of our Collective Consciousness! We join forces to remember our powers as beings of Light, to realign & clear our energy fields, to heal and rejuvenate, & to deepen the co-creation of our dreams!
♥ We are ONE, we are LOVE, we are CREATORS! ♥
*DIRECTIONS to 2500 Pali Hwy* ~This big white house is also the Unitarian Church:
From Kailua: It’s on the Ewa-Nu’uanu side of Pali Hwy, turn right onto Niolopa St. (directly Makai-Hnl of Temple Emanu-El). Enter 2nd Driveway on left of Niolopa St. . . . & park inside, lots of space!
From Honolulu: On Pali -take left at 1st traffic light after the Wyllie St. exit, -Jack Lane, make a U-turn onto Pali Hwy, & finish U-Turn in far right lane, & turn right onto Niolopa St. (directly Makai-Hnl of Temple Emanu-El). Enter 2nd Driveway on left of Niolopa St. . . . & park inside, lots of space!
~~~>>~♥~<<~channeling excerpts & more~>>~♥~<<~~~
We see the changes in the energy of your world very clearly. And we are telling you now that this energy is rising. This is what you came for. This is what you are good at. And this is what you are doing. Those of you who do indeed feel the energy of Earth’s field know this. ~The Council via Ron Head, October 28th, 2016
Earth’s energy field of potential is teeming with activity like never before in your recorded history, as powerful waves of light are propelling efforts toward outcomes you will heartily welcome. This influx of light is fast weakening the Illuminati’s hold on their fragments of economic, political and media control, and has motivated many minions in lower ranks to leave so there will be distance between them and their former associates when truths emerge about the Illuminati. Those at the top are trying to salvage some of their former power, but it will be to no avail—none of their nefarious schemes will succeed. Accelerating vibrations along with evidence in hacked documents, leaked information, whistleblowers and firm action by influential individuals in governments, military and intelligence forces, and banking and legal systems, are bringing an end to the Illuminati’s long dark reign.
. . . Energy surrounding the two major parties’ nominees is negatively ablaze, you could say, and it is possible that scenarios in addition to those mentioned in our August message will develop. Positive energy around Bernie Sanders hasn’t waned, it still is leading him into the presidency. ~Matthew (Apostle) via Suzanne Ward, May 19, 2016
What is taking place in your world is not a terrible mistake. The present upheaval in society must occur. And no good will come from blaming others for the ills you see around you ~for which of you is blameless? What you are witnessing is “The Great Shift” that was foretold long, long ago. It is here now and you have a part to play in it. Whenever you link with us or with any form of the Divine you love, you are able to hold steady, even while everything about you is collapsing. At this point in time it is impossible to find stability in the outer world, so don’t waste your time looking for it there. Do not respond to this world-wide upheaval by falling into despair and hiding yourself away, but instead, gather with those who, like you, are also seeking the highest good. You took birth at this time in history because you wanted to be part of this great change. So quiet your heart now as you turn within to the presence that has never left you and never will. Hold to this inner place of silence and from here we will guide you. ~the Great Council of the Grandmothers via Sharon McErlane, Nov.1, 2016
Honoring yourself by regularly taking quiet time to review your next step can help you do what makes your heart sing while being of service for greatest good. ~Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst via Linda M. Robinson, November 1, 2016
As the energies ramp up to an even greater degree in the coming days, it is important to take time to experience that which brings you joy, laughter, peace, and inspiration personally. It is important to focus on these things; to take time away from your Earthly duties and concerns often and take a break by going out in nature and doing things that you usually put off until another day, those things that nurture you and replenish your own energy. Feel the joy, laugh often, laugh loudly, there is so much beauty around you – it fills every place and space in your environment – look for it and enjoy it! Begin now to treat yourself with kindness and compassion:
“I AM one with God. I AM peaceful and loving. I AM aligned with my Soul Purpose. I AM inspired with thoughts which serve my highest good. I AM relaxed and at peace. I AM enjoying an abundant lifestyle. I AM offering all my work to the Divine Presence and I AM fulfilled.”
~Have these or other phrases ready to quickly turn to, as soon as you notice negative thoughts creeping in. Don’t worry if you don’t believe your words at first. This is just the resistance of old habits of thought, and these habits can be changed. Remember that you are profoundly loved. Know that Angels embrace you in wings of pure light and see you as a beautiful, radiant spirit here to bring love to the world. This is who you really are.~ Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel, October 23, 2016 (
We feel a momentum now, an unseen energy propelling us forward now. A beauty that feels like the joy of living and it’s bringing in the new. Now. A new paradigm, a new consciousness, a new softness. Like riding a wave, we are going to roll with this universal shift and let it envelope us, hold us, wrap us in its warm embrace and bring us home. Home to where our heart is. To where love is. To where kindness is. To where abundance is. To where peace and happiness is. To where openness and courage is. ~Venus Starwalker, October 25, 2016
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