Water Appreciation Day – Healing the waters of our body and planet together!
Join us as we honor and heal the waters of our planet and our beautiful bodies for the celebration of Water Appreciation Day!
The global holiday, brought to life from the water messenger himself, Dr. Masaru Emoto, has been combined with the Day Out of Time celebration from the 13 moon calendar and is normally celebrated on July 25th. We decided to celebrate early so everyone can make it on Sunday 24th! We hope you will join us
We aim to create a magical space where all walks, faiths, religions, spiritualists, and beyond can join as One to assist in the purification and healing of our planet through sound, prayer and intention, and lots of laughter and smiles!
You are invited to bring any songs, poems or stories about water, healing, unity and/or love to share with the community! Sharing time will be during potluck and singing celebration.
4-5pm – Potluck/Play Time – bring your healthiest dish to share! Please BYO plates, cups/water, utensils and napkins & bring your hula hoops, frisbees, play things
5-5:30pm – Singing Celebration, Share songs, poems, music
5:30-6pm – Why Water Appreciation & Healing? Testing the Emoto water experiment!
6-8pm – Water Blessing / Guided Meditation / Sacred Sound Journey
What to Bring:
1) Potluck item
2) BYO plates, cups/water, utensils and napkins
3) something comfy to sit/lay on for picnic and sound journey
4) Any drinking water you wish to have blessed
5) Smiles, Hugs and lots of Love!!
Our planet is made up of at least 70% water as are our bodies. Dr. Emotions discovered that water holds memory and can be shifted/changed through intention and sound. Sometimes we get out of balance with our health and at this time, our planet is a bit out of balance with overall health. We all deserve to feel healthy, happy and whole, so we are honored to open up this opportunity to raise the vibrations and heal!
Donations are Honored!
Find out more on Dr. Emoto here: Www.masaru-emoto.net
Find out more on Water Appreciation Day & Day Out of Time: Www.lawoftime.org
This is a Drug and Alcohol Free event. Mahalo for your cooperation and joyful participation!
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