Bamboo Flute Concert ~VibeTribe’s AudiOasis!✲♡”*•.¸¸☼
Please join us for Poetic Reflections on Natural Wonders, & Wildlife Soundscapes on Sedona Bamboo Flutes!
We are honored to present the exquisite, soothing sounds of the Bamboo Flute brought by Jesse Kalu, our August guest presenter, here from Sedona, Arizona ~& with him, the beautiful & sensuous flutes he lovingly crafted there . . .
-Or- cash at the door: Sliding Scale: $20 ~ $15 ~ or ~ $10
-or- Venmo at the door
-or- Paypal “”
We also accept trade such as Organic Food! And . . . & no one turned away, all welcome!
Our 2nd-Saturday monthly gathering is a chance to re-connect, hug, feast, talk story, & help co-create the New Earth vision we all share!
AudiOasis: House Concert & Meditation
Bamboo Flute ~ Jesse Kalu
JOY.•*´¨`*•.LOVE ¸.•* ´¨*•.LIGHT
as we unite to meditate upon & thereby co-create our new earth . . .
2197 10th Ave. Palolo Valley
Sample & buy Jesse’s exquisite music here:
☼ 6 pm ☼ Potluck Calabash ☼ Organic Non-Gmo Vegetarian/Vegan!
(& suger-free, too, please)
☼ 7 pm ☼ Opening Words, Water Blessing, Dolphin Pods
7:30 pm ☼ Jesse Kalu on Bamboo Flute
9:00 pm ☼ Gongs & Bowls Sound Healing Journey ♫♫♫
& RAV Vast Pan Drum with WayneBow Medicine Bear
We will Live-Stream this, too, on the Facebook HI VibeTribe CommUnity Page!
♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲
☼ Mahalo Nui Loa for all of yOur love & light on Planet Earth
~ yOu are the mAgic!☼
*•.¸¸☼ Questions? Text Ka’imi anytime ~ 808-372-2082
✲ƤҼƌҪҼ✲ĻƠṼҼ✲ƌƝƊ✲ĻIǤҢƮ✲ ~~~<<~quotes, channeling excerpts, & more~<<~~~
~LIGHT is surging much more potently into the earthly realm than it has in past years and decades (even centuries) because dissonance is being removed from the planet, and this includes the cellular records of our ancestral and recent historical experiences of discord and trauma. . . . ~Dr Schavi, August 6, 2021
We came here to be creator-incarnates. To be active in our service to humanity . . . Intend, imagine, and visualize all efforts of ours transforming the entire world for the better: Love, Peace, Joy, Abundance and Upliftment to one and all; restoring Equality and Unity Consciousness throughout the world, promoting Compassion, Forgiveness and true Connection in its wake! Feel This Reality as deeply as you so can, and then, just let go of it ALL, totally and completely. That’s all it takes. Or, just be in your highest possible frequency & make it all happen regardless! Either way works just fine! ~Aseim, 2021
Practicing radical and unwavering self-care by being gentle with yourself, standing up for yourself, setting boundaries, and moving from a place of compassion, are all tools that serve us well. ~Tanaaz, 2021
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