AudiOasis: wHAT’S gOING oN iN oUR cRAZY wORLD!?
✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ Aloha! Jan 22nd, Friday evening, we gather again to love, learn, & grow together. Please join us! On Zoom~ We’ll open at 6:30 pm with a “Community Check-In”sharing how we’re each starting out our new year. . . . And as always, our ability to hold the vision of the *Birth of the New Earth*~is a great service to all. We intend that this month’s AudiOasis will contribute to everyone’s peace & strength in dong so. Mahalo for shining your light!
✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ AudiOasis: “wHAT’S gOING oN? iN oUR cRAZY wORLD!? ~with guest panelists @ 7 pm
. . . each presenting their take on this stage in our journey of planetary transformation ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼
At this historic time in the evolution of humanity, we offer an evening of sharing perspectives on what’s happening in the U.S. & on the world stage. Though change keeps unfolding (& may become fast & furious), our intention is greater clarity & depth of understanding, as well as putting events into a larger, spiritual framework, bringing forth a more positive light. Mahalo nui loa to our fabulous panelists: Rena Oberacker, Sperry Andrews, Helena Summer, Seth Pollack, & WayneBow Medicine Bear ♡ After our panelists speak, all are invited to chime in with questions & comments.
Many of us have been doing research online & all are invited to share sources & links. May we all be free & clear (even with the intense censorship) to conduct our own search for what is true. Freedom & Self-Sovereignty prevails!
✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ AudiOasis: “wHAT’S gOING oN? iN oUR cRAZY wORLD!? ~with guest panelists @ 7 pm
. . . each presenting their take on this stage in our journey of planetary transformation ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼
At this historic time in the evolution of humanity, we offer an evening of sharing perspectives on what’s happening in the U.S. & on the world stage. Though change keeps unfolding (& may become fast & furious), our intention is greater clarity & depth of understanding, as well as putting events into a larger, spiritual framework, bringing forth a more positive light. Mahalo nui loa to our fabulous panelists: Rena Oberacker, Sperry Andrews, Helena Summer, Seth Pollack, & WayneBow Medicine Bear ♡ After our panelists speak, all are invited to chime in with questions & comments.
Many of us have been doing research online & all are invited to share sources & links. May we all be free & clear (even with the intense censorship) to conduct our own search for what is true. Freedom & Self-Sovereignty prevails!
“Community Check-In” 6:30 to 7:00 & Panel 7 pm to 9 pm on Zoom . . . Cosmic Sound Journey from 9 to 10 pm will be via FaceBook Live ✲♡”*•.¸¸☼
☼”*•.¸¸☼<<~quotes, channeling excerpts, & more~<<☼”*•.¸¸☼
Global confusion is seriously unsettling for humanity, extremely unsettling, and there are few among you who are not feeling the uncertainty and anxiety, even fear, as you wonder: “What on Earth is going on, and what is going to happen next.” . . . For most of your recorded history small groups of influential people – royalty, aristocracy, religious organizations, and military leaders – have developed systems of rules to control and direct the lives of the masses, in order to provide themselves with a better and more enjoyable standard of living,while forcing those masses to live lives of back-breaking servitude and poverty. Now, as more and more of you become aware of the dishonesty and lack of integrity in so many of those who hold positions of the greatest human power and authority, their ability to maintain control is collapsing as they attempt to impose even more stringent restrictions on your divinely given human freedoms in their desperate measures to maintain the status quo. Their time is over. However, during these final moments there will continue to be major disruptions in the short term in many areas, as they try to enforce their desperate measures.
As you have been told so often by so many wise teachers, Love is the path, the only path that can lead you safely and successfully through the areas of human interaction in which intense disagreement divides you, areas in which it seemed that the only practical resource by which to achieve satisfactory results is through force of conflict. Conflict only leads to further division and suffering for many, as your history demonstrates very clearly. The vast majority have now realized this, and so the will to engage in conflict is failing, and people are looking for more intelligent ways to resolve divisive issues, and are coming to the realization that what the wise ones have been telling them for a very long time is absolutely valid, namely that LOVE alone is the way forward. It does take courage, in a world where the power of force has ruled for so long, to choose to engage only lovingly with whatever arises, but those who have started to do that are finding that it most definitely does work. . . . In these momentous times it is vital that you make sure to set the intent at least once daily to be loving, and only loving whatever arises, and by so doing you most effectively play your own essential and individual part in the wakening process. ~Saul via John Smallman, 7/1/ 2020
Global confusion is seriously unsettling for humanity, extremely unsettling, and there are few among you who are not feeling the uncertainty and anxiety, even fear, as you wonder: “What on Earth is going on, and what is going to happen next.” . . . For most of your recorded history small groups of influential people – royalty, aristocracy, religious organizations, and military leaders – have developed systems of rules to control and direct the lives of the masses, in order to provide themselves with a better and more enjoyable standard of living,while forcing those masses to live lives of back-breaking servitude and poverty. Now, as more and more of you become aware of the dishonesty and lack of integrity in so many of those who hold positions of the greatest human power and authority, their ability to maintain control is collapsing as they attempt to impose even more stringent restrictions on your divinely given human freedoms in their desperate measures to maintain the status quo. Their time is over. However, during these final moments there will continue to be major disruptions in the short term in many areas, as they try to enforce their desperate measures.
As you have been told so often by so many wise teachers, Love is the path, the only path that can lead you safely and successfully through the areas of human interaction in which intense disagreement divides you, areas in which it seemed that the only practical resource by which to achieve satisfactory results is through force of conflict. Conflict only leads to further division and suffering for many, as your history demonstrates very clearly. The vast majority have now realized this, and so the will to engage in conflict is failing, and people are looking for more intelligent ways to resolve divisive issues, and are coming to the realization that what the wise ones have been telling them for a very long time is absolutely valid, namely that LOVE alone is the way forward. It does take courage, in a world where the power of force has ruled for so long, to choose to engage only lovingly with whatever arises, but those who have started to do that are finding that it most definitely does work. . . . In these momentous times it is vital that you make sure to set the intent at least once daily to be loving, and only loving whatever arises, and by so doing you most effectively play your own essential and individual part in the wakening process. ~Saul via John Smallman, 7/1/ 2020
Everyone is being given an opportunity to rise up and meet the challenge of higher frequency energies as they land there in your atmosphere. Now, you might wonder what you can do to be an even better conduit for these energies, and we want you to know that there are steps you can take to insure that you are keeping up. One of those steps is probably very obvious to many of you. You must stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Another step might be a bit counter-intuitive. You have to slow down to keep up with the energies. You have to rest, relax, meditate, play, and just take it easy in order to keep up. ~The 9D Arcturian Council, via Daniel Scranton,
The myths and religions were helpful at times, they were like incompleted maps which offered some directions, but which needed to be individualized as each of you was on a different spot on that map. But over time many of them they became power structures, which some used to control others with judgments of what was right and wrong, and with severe punishments imposed by the ‘authorities’ on this who refused to conform. Now, as you move along through the awakening process toward Home, you are rediscovering your God-given sovereignty, your divine right to choose your own unique path. . . . As you have been told so often, Love never judges or condemns, Love always accepts. Those who live lovingly never intentionally harm or seek to harm or offend anyone. . . . .Allow the Love, that you and every conscious entity truly is, to embrace you, inspiring and uplifting you as you go about your daily lives in form. ~Jesus via John Smallman, 1/15/21
Every time you choose to sing rather than complain, or to walk outside and enjoy Nature rather than breathe the stale air of the indoors and the old systems of work or home, or media entrainment. Every time you decide to allow yourself to simply to breathe, to feel the reality of the Present Moment, you are indeed the one who is the leading vibration, not the one who seeks to follow the denser vibration being pushed on the masses. There are technological efforts to keep you entrained in fear so as to stunt your exponential growth at this time. But you no longer have any use for the experience of feeling small, and without choices. That was the old regime, and it is over now. . . .We say, Ignore the headlines. You are beginning, not ending, and your song is being sung across many galaxies now, in Joyful anticipation of all you are yourselves at the forefront of unfolding. ~the Collective via Caroline Oceana Ryan, January 15, 2021
Some publicly known developments and judicious actions behind the curtain of the world stage are heralding the end of an ages-old dark reign. The darkness that was killing Earth less than a century ago is being completely replaced by light, the same powerful energy as love; and, during your year 2021, you will see changes that have long been needed so the civilization can advance and flourish.
Change will not come without resistance, perhaps especially in the United States, where the Illuminati are certain to motivate those who are uninformed or misinformed to denounce developments as political partisanship. They are not. Action in the weeks and months ahead will end control by that secret society, which ensconced itself in the government soon after it was established by the nascent nation’s founders.
The highest universal council intended the newly united colonies to become a beacon of light for the rest of the world, a shining example of how people from different countries, religions and cultures can live harmoniously, respectfully and productively and build a great nation. That was the opposite of what the Illuminati intended, and their minions set about to cause dissension, animosity, bigotry and social discrimination as immigrants kept arriving.
As years and decades passed, firmly entrenched in Washington, DC, the Illuminati not only controlled life in that country, they instigated or heavily influenced what happened elsewhere, from civil, international and world wars to funding despots, running the drug trade and ruining economies. That is being ended for once and for all, and the provisions of G/NESARA will be acted upon to end deception, corruption, impoverishment and all other unjustness worldwide.
That task, which is no less than world transformation, won’t be accomplished in the blink of an eye. The Illuminati are a tenacious lot and will not bow out graciously or easily relinquish their ill-gotten fortunes to raise living standards for billions and to restore the environment. However, ever-intensifying light is undergirding a powerful international force of military troops, individuals in governments and the private sector, and extraterrestrial special forces who are united in purpose: total destruction of the Illuminati empire.
For long ages, dark hearts and minds controlled the masses by keeping them ignorant of truths and dividing them into groups they conditioned to believe that other groups, whether of religious, cultural, social, political, racial or economic difference, are “less than.” Higher on the scale of deceit, they radically changed historical records and devised religious rules to enrich themselves and to control the peoples by separating everyone from God except, in Christianity, his only son, Jesus, and they also fabricated the falsehoods in the biblical version of his life.
The dawn of illumination on Earth’s near horizon has risen from the ashes of darkly-contrived ignorance and divisiveness. The majority of the civilization will begin an exciting journey of remembrance as consciousness taps into soul-level knowledge. They will remember that every person is a divine sovereign being, an immortal soul created by and of Creator’s unconditional love. They will remember their eternal connectedness with all other life forms on the planet and all other souls in this universe; that animals are souls, too, and they are helping humankind learn to live in harmony with all of Nature. The peoples will discover their ability to communicate telepathically and other abilities that will enable them to co-create Earth’s Golden Age in fullness. ~Matthew via Suzy Ward, January 4, 2021
Change will not come without resistance, perhaps especially in the United States, where the Illuminati are certain to motivate those who are uninformed or misinformed to denounce developments as political partisanship. They are not. Action in the weeks and months ahead will end control by that secret society, which ensconced itself in the government soon after it was established by the nascent nation’s founders.
The highest universal council intended the newly united colonies to become a beacon of light for the rest of the world, a shining example of how people from different countries, religions and cultures can live harmoniously, respectfully and productively and build a great nation. That was the opposite of what the Illuminati intended, and their minions set about to cause dissension, animosity, bigotry and social discrimination as immigrants kept arriving.
As years and decades passed, firmly entrenched in Washington, DC, the Illuminati not only controlled life in that country, they instigated or heavily influenced what happened elsewhere, from civil, international and world wars to funding despots, running the drug trade and ruining economies. That is being ended for once and for all, and the provisions of G/NESARA will be acted upon to end deception, corruption, impoverishment and all other unjustness worldwide.
That task, which is no less than world transformation, won’t be accomplished in the blink of an eye. The Illuminati are a tenacious lot and will not bow out graciously or easily relinquish their ill-gotten fortunes to raise living standards for billions and to restore the environment. However, ever-intensifying light is undergirding a powerful international force of military troops, individuals in governments and the private sector, and extraterrestrial special forces who are united in purpose: total destruction of the Illuminati empire.
For long ages, dark hearts and minds controlled the masses by keeping them ignorant of truths and dividing them into groups they conditioned to believe that other groups, whether of religious, cultural, social, political, racial or economic difference, are “less than.” Higher on the scale of deceit, they radically changed historical records and devised religious rules to enrich themselves and to control the peoples by separating everyone from God except, in Christianity, his only son, Jesus, and they also fabricated the falsehoods in the biblical version of his life.
The dawn of illumination on Earth’s near horizon has risen from the ashes of darkly-contrived ignorance and divisiveness. The majority of the civilization will begin an exciting journey of remembrance as consciousness taps into soul-level knowledge. They will remember that every person is a divine sovereign being, an immortal soul created by and of Creator’s unconditional love. They will remember their eternal connectedness with all other life forms on the planet and all other souls in this universe; that animals are souls, too, and they are helping humankind learn to live in harmony with all of Nature. The peoples will discover their ability to communicate telepathically and other abilities that will enable them to co-create Earth’s Golden Age in fullness. ~Matthew via Suzy Ward, January 4, 2021
HI VibeTribe is a 501C3 organization founded on 12-12-2012 to unite Oahu’s conscious community. In our VibeTribe Community Sanctuary in Palolo Valley, we co-create the space for conscious evolution to take place, as we offer gatherings, workshops, classes, films, support groups, and more . . . offering creative expression, wellness practices, compassionate communication skills, and many other gifts of the heart.
We host a monthly “AudiOasis,” for guest presenters to share their purpose & passion, and we are proud sponsors of the OHM Expo ~Oahu’s Organic Holistic & Metaphysical Expo. We nurture connection, community, and creativity for the well-being of all, in service to our islands of Hawai’i and towards the rise of our collective consciousness and world vibration of Love on Planet Earth. ♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲ĻƠṼҼ ƌƝƊ ĻIǤҢƮ✲♡”*•.¸ ☼
We host a monthly “AudiOasis,” for guest presenters to share their purpose & passion, and we are proud sponsors of the OHM Expo ~Oahu’s Organic Holistic & Metaphysical Expo. We nurture connection, community, and creativity for the well-being of all, in service to our islands of Hawai’i and towards the rise of our collective consciousness and world vibration of Love on Planet Earth. ♡”*•.¸¸☼ ✲ĻƠṼҼ ƌƝƊ ĻIǤҢƮ✲♡”*•.¸ ☼
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