Sound Healing Journey ~ Saturdays @ 8 pm ✲ Palolo Valley
Aloha! We joyfully welcome you every Saturday night at 8 pm for a Sound Healing Journey in our VibeTribe Community Sanctuary. Wayne Bow Medicine Bear & I so love playing these sacred instruments . . . & even more now: having yOu here in person to enjoy them!
. . . These frequency vibrations are clearing, & re-setting . . . ending pain, giving mental clarity, & uplifting mood . . . & the inner journeys we go on during these meditations is a whole other level of wonder & awe!
Mahalo for inviting friends & joining us Saturday night . . .
me ke aloha nui, Ka’imi
✲♡”*•.¸¸☼ ♫♫ *•.¸¸☼ ♫♫
Sound Healing Journey
with Gongs, Crystal Bowls, PanDrum . . .
at the VibeTribe Community Sanctuary, 2197 10th Ave. Palolo Valley
~Saturday @ 8 pm~
with Gongs, Crystal Bowls, PanDrum . . .
at the VibeTribe Community Sanctuary, 2197 10th Ave. Palolo Valley
~Saturday @ 8 pm~
Every Saturday Night!
$10 to $20 Sliding-Scale/Suggested-Donation in Cash or via Venmo or Paypal at the door! Organic Food donations are also welcome!
☼ Questions? Text Ka’imi 372-2082
♡”*•.¸ ☼ Mahalo Nui Loa for all of yOur ✲ĻƠṼҼ ƌƝƊ ĻIǤҢƮ✲on Planet Earth
~yOu are the mAgic!☼
♡”*•.¸ ☼ Mahalo Nui Loa for all of yOur ✲ĻƠṼҼ ƌƝƊ ĻIǤҢƮ✲on Planet Earth
~yOu are the mAgic!☼
♡”*•.¸¸☼♡ & ✲ĻƠṼҼ ƌƝƊ ĻIǤҢƮ quotes & channeling excerpts:
♡”*•.¸¸☼♡ & ✲ĻƠṼҼ ƌƝƊ ĻIǤҢƮ quotes & channeling excerpts:
“You are not only heroes in your own energetic ranks, but now have all the eyes of the Universe directed towards you. Your heroic energy efforts have cleared up large parts of the human darkness in everyone who is of the light. Your missions have been very stressful for you and you now have a long time to rest to recover your physical bodies and your energetic inner aspects. . . . You have won and you have thereby strengthened your own image of yourself and the wonderful gifts you have within yourself.” ~Carina Sananda, May 14, 2021
“Heart-centered consciousness is the state in which, as humans, you feel only love for all life, knowing that you are one with all life, and in which you love and accept yourselves in your human forms without any reservations whatever, knowing, as you most definitely will, that you are following your divinely guided path Home to Reality, and that all that occurs is part of the grand design you planned for yourselves before incarnating into form.” ~Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart, May 3, 2021
“. . . the way to activate your memory as an angel and de-activate your memory of being simply a body, is to love each other. When you do this love thing, you start to identify with the freedom of your souls, instead of the isolation and separation of your bodies.” ~Scott Grace
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