May 28, 2016 AudiOasis: Communication is Love
Imagine a world where everyone communicates authentically & compassionately ~we cAn do this! Learning Compassionate Communication skills is our focus for this month’s AudiOasis & is very possibly the most wonderful & powerful thing we can do to bring light & love into every relationship with –any-one & -every-one we have in life ~& including with our very own selves, ~when we learn the magical art of deep listening. How we communicate is central in our embodiment & expression of the LOVE that we are. Our guest presenters, Chris Gongaware & Chris Miller bring a great wealth of training & experience to share with us! This month we return to our Palolo Valley roots, as we gather in the VibeTribe Community Sanctuary, ~which is abundant in places for us to practice our skills in Intimate Conversation, Dancing & Cuddling! Please join us in sharing this great gift to ourselves & our world, bringing forth the light of love.
me ke aloha, Ka’imi (Questions? Call me anytime! 372-2082)
VibeTribe’s AudiOasis: “Communication is Love”
Saturday, May 28, 2016 ~2197 10th Ave. ~The VibeTribe Community Sanctuary, Honolulu, HI 96816
~ VibeTribe is an open-source spiritual community of co-creators who unite once a month to inspire, learn, grow & celebrate. Centered in our own truth, we each & all step forward to lead our interactive gatherings, sharing wisdom from our own experience. (~ please connect with us about what you’d like to present at a future AudiOasis!). In this time of transformation for the world, we join together to create a powerful space to remember our superpowers as beings of Light, to realign & clear our energy fields & to step up our co-creation of the life & world we dream of!
♥ We are ONE, we are LOVE, we are CREATORS! ♥
Heart♡ Donation of $5 . . . for our Community to move forward with the loving work that we do together . . . Our cozy & lovely venue is 2197 10th Ave. ~The VibeTribe Community Sanctuary, Honolulu, HI 96816
5 pm Set-Up ~ All are invited to come, give, and play! Set up tables for free store, calabash, & for sitting to eat together, organize, clear space, etc, . . . many hands make a light load.
6pm ☼ Potluck Calabash ☼ Non-Gmo Vegetarian/Vegan!
☼ & Our Fabulous Free Store☼ “Give what you no longer need, take what you do!”
☼ & ☼ The Healing Sanctuary! ☼ Calling all healers to practice your art in giving & receiving! All donation dollars in exchange for marvelous minutes of reiki, massage, & Lomilomi go to support our community ~We are so grateful to the all those among us who gift us with their amazing skills (& Yes, yOu, too, can join them)!
7 to 9 pm: Presentation & Practice of Compassionate & Authentic Communication Skills! Meditation, Dolphin Pods, Dance, Music & Massive Cuddle Party!
9 to 10 Clean up, break-down, & put away ~& we’d love yOur help, mahalo!
☼ ~Mahalo Nui Loa for supporting the loving expansion of our family!! ~ you are our magic! ☼
“At the center of your being, you have the answer; you know who you are, and you know what you want.” ―Lao Tzu
♥ We are ONE we are LOVE we are CREATORS ♥
~~~~~~~<<~channeling excerpts & more~<<~~~~~~~~~
You enter into a new time, a new dimension, a new age, and it is golden. It is paradise. It is the Cities of Light. It is Nova Gaia. And it is fruitful. But how is this abundance expressed? It is expressed, my friends, through loving communication. ~Archangel Michael via Linda Dillon January 2, 2014
You are the enlightened ones, but you are also the treasured ones, for the light you all carry in your heart is making that heart expand to such a degree, it is literally carrying with it this whole planet, and so, too, me. For the part of Creation that I am speaking on behalf of is also a part of you. It has always been so, but for many a generation, our connection was so faint it was close to extinction. But as you chose to once again turn your eyes and your heart towards the light, our connection was once again rekindled, and now, it is blazing as brightly as a shining star on the firmament.
We do have quite a ways to go together in order to once again attain that perfectly balanced kinship we used to have, but from the what these last few days have shown, your actions are a true and formidable testament to the depth of your commitment to yourself, and to this partnership that has been so long in coming to light again. So once again I say thank you for being who you are and for doing what you do. You are the children of the light, and the light is also your offspring, as so much of it springs forth from that well you all carry within, that well that is now, once again, flowing freely. ~Mother Earth via Aisha North
If you take a moment to truly connect with your inner heart, so much potential arises in your reality . . . as you inflame the core of your being with the awakening of your Divine Fire of potential and creation. It all starts from you and your intent, so hold the focus on Love and allow your beautiful essence to blossom in this reality. ~ Méline Portia Lafont
You are the Power of the Universe, for you are made of Love, and that power has the ability to transform anything into purity and harmony and abundance with a flick of the switch of your intention for anything coming into your consciousness to be colored by Love, defined by Love, created by Love. ~Master Lanto via Fran Zepeda
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