AudiOasis: “Celebrate!” House Blessing & Gratitude 6 pm Fri June 22nd
AudiOasis: “Celebrate!” House Blessing & Gratitude 6 pm Fri June 22nd
Aloha dear Bringer of Light✲♡”*•.¸¸☼
We’ve got a miracle to celebrate: the return to & reunion with our VibeTribe Community Sanctuary! All are welcome! Please arrive & greet @ 6 pm for our Blessing Ceremony led by Kumu Glen Kila & Chris Olivera (@ 6:15), & stay for our potluck dinner & more . . . including the story of the delightful roller coaster ride on the way to this magical miracle of moving back into 2197 10th Ave., ~nine months after moving out. I’m excited to share what I’ve learned about how to create the reality we desire . . . & to celebrate it with you! ~Yes, celebration is one of the keys of conscious creation . . . !
~I’m so grateful & honored that our blessing ceremony will be conducted by Kumu Glen Kila, lineage spiritual leader of Hawai’i nei, & his sucessor-to-be, Chris Olivera . . . with powerful Oli to honor & celebrate Māuikiʻikiʻi o ke Kauwela (the summer solstice!) as well as the great gift of of our community sanctuary . . . Mahalo ke Akua.
We’ll also set up our Free Store, so bring what you no longer need & take what you do. And our Wellness Sanctuary will also be on the Ginger Deck (two massage tables will be set up) ~any & all healers may come forward to share your skills . . .
~Every creation is a co-creation & all of us who held the vision of our Sanctuary contributed to this fabulous outcome ~Mahalo one & all! * *•.¸¸☼ *”We are One, we are Love & we are Creators!” * *•.¸¸☼
me ke aloha nui loa, Ka’imi
VibeTribe’s AudiOasis: “Celebrate!”
with Kumu Glen Kila & Chris Olivera Friday, June 22, 2018 6 pm ☼ 6 pm Blessing! Calabash Potluck Dinner to follow ☼
The energies are ramping up as we move towards the powerful Solstice Stargate Activations on June 21st [~ In Hawai’i, exact at 12:07 am ]. I love this special cosmic event each year, as we’re immersed in a field of galactic photonic rays pulsing from the Great Central Sun. Imagine the Galactic Center is shining a colossal spotlight on your divine destiny. It is a moment in spacetime that illuminates the world around us! It is revealing, reverent and universal!
Every year the Solstice Stargate initiates new ascension upgrades to your body, heart and mind. With active participation, you have available a moment of immense potential…an opening to vast possibilities. It is a moment of clarity, the evaporation of veils. As you stand in the Crystal Stargate of Source, the spotlight reveals your true essence in a flash of illumination. Imagine you are bathed in crystalline diamond light revealing all that you are. It is a profound homecoming! ~Meg Benedicte, June 11, 2018 Cooperation is Love in action, beautifully demonstrated by the outcomes that arise when egoic needs to be right or to win do not interfere with or derail the ventures in which people engage. The point is to create something new from the pattern of ideas that arise, and, if people feel safe and unafraid, everyone then partakes in the joy that a successful outcome produces. No one feels left out or inadequate, because the very inadequacy of some ideas –instead of invalidating the ones who put them forward – have most definitely contributed to the successful end results, by demonstrating clearly what will not function as required. When you choose to cooperate for the benefit of all, there are no losers! The main and constant message that I keep on offering is that there is only Love, and that Love changes everything! And if you will only look you will see that happening in many unexpected places. Focus on the positive events that are occurring, and not on the negative outpourings of the mainstream media. ~Saul via John Smallman, June 13, 2018
Your ascension is a guarantee, but how you will do it is entirely up to you. Nothing is set in stone. You are creating the experience of the shift. You are creating your own personal experience, and you are co-creating as a collective. You have passed every possible milestone with so much strength and courage, and you can let go of any ideas that you have about needing to be somewhere other than where you are. Because as you accept that you have made it this far, and you celebrate yourselves for that accomplishment, you will continue to persevere, and you will allow this shift to occur in the most joyous way possible. ~Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, June 13, 2018
. . . concentrate on well-being, peace, the beauty of the day, . . . on whatever health, financial abundance, love, and reassurance you have in your life, and give thanks for these, with all your heart.Then extend that wonderful feeling of stability, calm, Peace, and reassurance to the Earth and humanity in all their current transformation and transfiguration. . . . Yes, even to those who are making a concerted effort to keep you in fear! Send it to them most of all. Your love will surprise, disarm, and direct them to realize there are other ways to exist in this Universe than the way they were trained to exist. . . . Indeed, co-Creators—do you wish for All to be Well? Then visualize and give thanks, as if that were the case everywhere in the world. You may feel that “my small vibration will not carry very far!” and yet, we assure you—it is no small vibration. It has created worlds, and it is re-Creating your own world, at a phenomenal and miraculous rate. ~the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective viaby Caroline Oceana Ryan, 2018 . . . feel the freedom of finding peace, to live out this amazing adventure of life on your terms, to find true joy and fulfillment in every aspect of your life. To be able to look back on this challenging time as an extraordinary opportunity that was presented to you to take your power back, raise your vibration, and elevate your consciousness. To be a pioneer of the New Earth and have countless generations look back at you as one of the elders that helped heal humanity. ~Mike Picione
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