VibeTribe AudiOasis “Spirit Dance”
VibeTribe’s AudiOasis: “Spirit Dance”
Sunday, March 27, 2016
2500 Pali Hwy ~ Honolulu, HI 96817
Aloha Friends of Light,
March is a magical & powerful month for the light codes of the New Earth streaming into all of us, especially on the Equinox, Sunday, March 20th. Remember to breathe & take time in stillness to enjoy the ride! . . . I’m feeling deep gratitude & celebration for all the wonderful gatherings happening in our VibeTribe Community Sanctuary & for our having a dedicated new member of VibeTribe stepping up to lead in our March AudiOasis, on the evening of Easter Sunday, March 27th. Please join us & invite others, on this sacred day, for deepened connection with Source & one another. We celebrate our being the change we wish to see!
me ke aloha nui, Ka’imi
PS & please scroll down for channeling excerpts, below the plumeria, for more guidance about this magical month, mahalo!
You Are Invited to Sacred Movement with Your Tribe! Tuning in to the Equinox as new life bursts forth, we harness it with our awareness on this special night! VibeTribe is an open-source spiritual community of co-creators who come together once a month to inspire, learn, grow & celebrate. As positive leaders, centered in our own truth, we each & all step forward to lead our interactive gatherings, sharing wisdom from our own experience. (~Yes, we all have something unique to share, please connect with Ka’imi about what you’d like to present at a future AudiOasis!)
Join us this month as we dance, tone, listen & love. Our guest presenter, Eric Belair, is co-creating sacred space to express the Source within each of us. Courtney Ramm, of RammDance, & Sage Bee will each be leading us in movement; & we’ll be supported by one another to go deeper, and express authentically.
In this time of transformation for the world, we join together to create a powerful space to ignite hearts & minds in community, to remember our powers as beings of Light, to realign & clear our energy fields, to heal and rejuvenate, & to step into the radical Co-creation of our dreams!
♥ We are ONE, we are LOVE, we are CREATORS! ♥
“Don’t be afraid of going slowly. Only be afraid of standing still.” -Chinese Proverb
Heart♡ Donation of $5 . . . for our Community to move forward with the loving work that we do together . . . &, importantly, to pay the rent (which we didn’t quite bring in enough for last time!)
Our spacious & lovely venue:
2500 Pali Hwy ~ the Unitarian Church Honolulu, HI 96817
5 pm Set-Up ~ All are invited to come, give, and play! Set up tables for free store, calabash, & for sitting to eat together, organize, clear space, etc, . . . many hands make a light load.
6pm ☼ Potluck Calabash ☼ – Non-Gmo Vegetarian/Vegan! Our Fabulous ☼ Free Store☼ “Give what you no longer need, take what you do!” ~&~ the return of ☼ The Healing Sanctuary!☼ Please bring some donation dollars in exchange for marvelous minutes of reiki, massage, & Lomilomi! Your donations go to support our community! ~And we are so grateful to the wonderful healers among us who gift us with their amazing skills ( yOu, too, can join them)!
7-9 pm: Messages & collaboration to move our Inner Light into motion& sound . . . with dance & meditation
9-10 Clean up, break-down, & put away ~& we need yOur help, mahalo! Extra hugs included.
☼ We do vibrantly ask for a minimum Heart♡ Donation of $5 to sustain & more to grow our community . . . for those who can donate more, please do so for those who cannot, & to witness your community thriving!
☼ ~Mahalo Nui Loa for supporting the loving expansion of our family!! ~ you are our magic! ☼ “At the center of your being, you have the answer; you know who you are, and you know what you want.” ―Lao Tzu
channeling excerpts & more
With the Spring equinox of 3-20-16, gamma rays of powerful light data will be sent from the galactic core straight onto Gaia. All those who participate in this second wave of ascension did not have years of preparation for this powerful event, and may experience tumult in their lives. This may show itself in physical signs like eating disorders, insomnia, fatigue, etc., or they might be having mental issues like depression, or emotional outbursts of anger. All these stem from fear. Fear of change, yet there is nothing to fear. Know that your senses are heightened because you are still integrating the new light codes that come in tremendous amounts to Earth and pierce through your physical bodies. You are going through the greatest change in the history of humanity. That which no longer serves your highest good is falling apart. Fear not, dear ones, even if you lose a job, or if your relationship fails. Light alters frequency, and that which does not resonate with your higher frequency will vibrate out of your life, to make place for your divine life purpose. ~Aurora Ray, 2-21-16
Most Lightworkers are now deeply in the process of releasing and healing old situations that have angered or grieved them in the past. Yet the personality—the old defenses and automatic mental processes, would prefer that you hold onto old grievances. Thinking they are protecting you, your mind and ego are doing their old job of reminding you of how this person or that behaved badly or did not stand by you. They do this, in part, because they are of a lower vibration than your higher mind, which is expressed by your intuition, or heart-mind. They feel that they are protecting you from ever letting another person or situation harm you that way again. However, this is not protection, —it is defensiveness, and it does not protect you, and it serves as a magnet for a repeat of those painful situations. When these old memories come up, tell them, “Thank you. I love you. I’m sorry I was not able to protect you from this in the past. There is a better way now, a way of peace. I Am now releasing this anger and resentment (or sorrow or feeling of loss), in all directions of time.” This assures the more vulnerable you that you will care for them, protect them, and never abandon them. And that there is no need for further grief or fear or anger. All this is dissolving now. You will need to be firm, and to let your ego-mind know who is in control. Repeat yourself whenever needed, “I said I am no longer angry [or afraid, or in mourning] about that, and I meant it. Pay attention. You are fully capable of learning something new.” Bridge the time between the past and that peace-based future with these affirmations. And rejoice that these old grievances and points of trauma are now coming to the surface to be cleared. You are choosing a new reality. Be glad for all you have learned in this journey. ~Caroline Oceana Ryan, 2016
Forgiveness is a key element, and learning to have a focus of your dreams is an important quality at this time. The Full Moon of March 23rd with a Lunar Eclipse is when a true process of grounding takes effect. The energy from the beginning of the month will continue its progression to allow the seeds that have been planted to start to come to its fruition. As long as each individual stays true to their Higher Heart from the Source of Oneness that they are, then the tides of true Peace will start to be felt. It will be up to each of you to hold within your heart the strength and courage to continue on the journey of the Light. The world still needs deep acceptance of this Light and many individuals will test this time. Your beacon of light is extremely important and it must come through yourself, first and foremost. It is our time together as we come into Unity upon this planet. There are so many Beings of Light that are assisting you, so please know that you are not alone, not at all. Reach out to others and join hands of the most powerful frequencies of light coming into the planet. 2016 will truly bring about great change. Thank you for being part of the change. ~The Unified Whole of The Great Divine Director, Thoth, & Albert Einstein via Christine Meleriessee Hayden
The CABAL is .01 % of the world population and is made up of a group of groups with different belief systems and that do not like one another but work together to RUN the world. If that small group can change the world, so can we. They use OUR group consciousness against us as their tool/magic, and we can now reclaim that tool and write our own ending to this long drawn out story. They have made us feel powerless and insignificant for a reason: we are a threat. We as a group have previously never gotten together or attempted a unity consciousness movement against the powers that be. According to the Sphere Being Alliance, the group consciousness is making a group decision right now. That decision is determining the timeline or direction we head, our own co-creative group consciousness is what is dictating what is occurring in our Solar System at this time. This is a “consensus reality shift” that is occurring and each of us have a part to play. ~Corey Goode, March 4, 2016
Each wave of incoming energy brings new possibilities for paths to explore and ways to serve. At times, these waves of energy and possibilities may seem to come rapidly. You may feel as if you do not have time to process one wave of energy before the next one arrives. When this occurs, you may wish to consider turning to the stillness within to consider your options. Many of the great sages and teachers often went on a retreat when considering their options or when they were faced with a large task ahead of them. They would go away from the masses and go into silence to commune with the Creator and their guides and teachers in the Higher Realms. During this time, they would receive guidance and then focus their energy and intent on the task ahead. In the society of today, taking a long retreat may not be possible for everyone. Instead, you may consider a walk in the park, a stroll along the beach, or some time in your favorite quiet place. A few minutes in a peaceful location can help to clear your mind and bring new insights. ~Archangel Zadkiel& Holy Lady Amethyst via Linda M. Robinson, March 2016
VibeTribe: Please feel free to share this email & to invite friends & family to join our VibeTribe & Aloha Light Team mailing list. Mahalo nui! Aloha, Ka’imi Nicholson,, (808) 372-2082 *•.¸¸☼ It is my joy to serve ~ He punawai kahe wale ke aloha ~Love is a spring that flows boundlessly
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