Women’s Temple Circle
This month, the Women’s Temple Circle is celebrating easter with a feminine twist. We will explore the concept of celebrating the egg as a symol for female creativity and power. We will do so in a nourshing, intuitive and fun way. As always with the Temple Circle, we come together with open minds and heart, willing to let go of concepts and finding what feels authentic to us as individuals. Instead of adding something to ourselves, we gently peel away the layers so that we circle by circle become more and fully ourselves. There is no right or wrong way to be in the Temple Circle!
We look forward to sharing this special event bonding as women, and connecting to our female bodies in a deeper way.
At this gathering you will experience:
*Meditating with your ovaries (if you don’t have ovaries, the meditation still works)
*Exploring your creativity in a medium of your choice: art, dance, poetry or stillness. Or something else that is unique to you!
*Connecting and bodning in sisterhood
Our goal is that we will all leave feeling boosted in our creativity, grounded in self-confidence and nourished by sisterhood. And to have discovered something unique and authentic from a true place within us.
Suggested donatin is $20. Your donation is greatly appreciated and goes to supporting future sister circles, strengthening sisterhood around the world and strengthening women whose sole wish is to benefit other women. Thank you ♥
For queations, call or text Matilda at 8082060311.
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