Women’s Temple Circle – Cave Special

Women’s Temple Circle – Cave Special

This full moon the Women’s Temple Circle will be gathering at a cave considered sacred in native traditions. This cave is known as the Womb of Mother Earth in Hawaiian and is a perfect place to come together as women and open to a proufoundly spiritual experience, expressed and lived in the female body.

As always in the Temple Circle we gather with the intentions to peel off the layers surrounding spirituality and religion and open up to an experience that feels authentic, grounded and profound for us as individuals. We come as we are – with no concepts or agendas other than that of apporaching our spirituality in a curious way, as an innate part of being human.

We will engage in meditation, ceremony and sharing. This is a chance to celebrate the divine feminine within us and around us. Please wear white and bring a candle in a deep cup, an instrument if you have, flowers and anything you would like to use to for our ceremony.

Exact directions for how to get there and where to park will be coming shortly.

Suggested donation is $20. Your donation will support future temple circles and the ability to create spaces in the world where women can explore, create, expand and celebrate each other in doing so. You donation matters ♥.

See you there sister!

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