Honoring the Wisdom of our Female Bodies
Our bodies are as ancient as humanity. Our cells were gifted to us from a mother, gifted to her from her mother… on and on since the beginning of creation. Therefore, our bodies hold the wisdom of ancient times, it holds the wisdom of our lives now and to listen to and unlock the stories of the body is to tap into a deep wisdom that can help transform our lives for more health, happiness and freedom.
This gathering is part of the monthly Red Tent Women’s Circles at Still&Moving Center, where women of all ages are welcome to come together in an evening of celebrating womanhood and creating sisterhood.
This gathering is for you who:
*Long to listen more deeply to the messages from your body
*Long for a deeper connection and sense of self-love and celebration with you body
*Long to connect with the mysterious, untangible, deliciousness of living life in a female body
Bring a vegetarian dish for potluck, something that has meaning and perhaps a story as we will explore nourishing each other in sisterhood through food sharing.
♥ ♥ ♥ PLEASE BE ON TIME. ♥ ♥ ♥
Each time women gather in this way to support, celebrate and strengthen each other, the world heals a little bit.
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