Metaphysical Meets Physical ~ Journey Into the Sound

Metaphysical Meets Physical ~ Journey Into the Sound

30 December 2016 ~ 7 to 9 PM
Bodhi Tree
654 N Judd St, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

From energy (metaphysical) form to physical form. From thought and feeling to creation. Everything in this universe begins with energy, with the atom, with formless flow until it becomes dense enough to manifest physically here in this 3D reality.
Join us as we explore the expansive healing vibrations of sound -bringing harmonized metaphysical vibrations into our physical life form to positively change our thoughts, feelings and physical health.

Lay back and relax. It’s that simple 🙂

**Please feel free to bring any crystals/stones or sacred objects you wish to cleanse and supercharge with the gong. And feel the deeper connection to your crystals within the gong vibrations!
**This is a great space to bring your journal or something to write on to document and process any insights, ideas or realizations from your journey
No prior experience, effort or practice is required to participate, everyone welcome! The gong does not conflict with any religious beliefs, it simply quiets the mind. Simply relax comfortably and breathe deeply for a healing sound experience of the gong.

$15-$30 suggested donation – goes toward the continuation of the Gong and the beautiful space offered by Bodhi Tree Dharma. Mahalo Nui for your contribution!

☯Please arrive early to allow time for parking and getting settled in! ☮

What to bring:
-Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
-Most people prefer to lie on a yoga mat for a gong meditation. Bring anything you like to help make yourself comfortable (blankets, pillows, etc.) when on the floor! Chairs are available.
-It is also a good idea to have a bottle of water (with a lid)!

Call or text Sarah Daigle if you have trouble finding us, at 808.226.5868. Text is best within 30 minutes of event time!
Some Knowledge/Benefits of the Gong:

-Organic Binaural Beats
-Balance Left & Right hemispheres of brain (corpus callosum)
-Stimulate Creative Centers in Right side of brain
-More Clarity/Awareness/Productivity/Creativity
-Activate & Recalibrate cellular electro-magnetic activity
-Strengthens & Resets Autonomic Nervous System
-Lowers Blood Pressure
-Raises your Energetic Vibration to a more harmonized state
-Relieves Stress
-Alleviates Pain
-Assists Body/Mind in its natural healing process
-Relax & Rejuvenate the body/mind/soul

-Helps to connect deeper to your Self and/or maybe a Source that is higher than your Self
-The gongs are known as a gift from the cosmos bringing connection to cosmic energies from the Akasha Rivers (Akashic Records)
-Possible remembering/discovering of information from all aspects and all lifetimes of your Self and beyond…past, present, future
-Helps to bring clarity to higher purpose here in this life
-Can assist in resolution with past emotional pain/traumas

Gong Meditations create space for you to relax, rejuvenate and if you are willing, to explore deeper into the understandings of who you are. Thank you for being open to the new experiences of the ancient powers of the Gong!

“Sound is the bridge from physical to metaphysical (nonphysical). Even though you cannot see the sound waves created from the physical instrument, you can FEEL them, and that is very much a reality which can and does change your physical state of being.”

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